Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1539: Father Mu's salary draw 4

He Wanting was not afraid of Mu Zhitong’s questioning, but instead looked at her mockingly and snorted, “I’m telling the truth, not slander! You are all Chu Muyue’s accomplices, of course I said it for her. Good thing, don’t think I don’t know what kind of company she started. It was only because she sold her body and started a few years ago! Otherwise, with her fatherless wild breed, how could she be rich and capable? Start a company! Do you really think it is so easy to start a company?"


Everyone who didn't know the truth couldn't help taking a breath.

Of course, there are some people who have the same idea of ​​not being able to eat grapes and saying grapes are sour in heart like He Wanting. They nodded in agreement.

They also think, what can Mu Yue, a teenage liar who is still studying, do? How is it possible to start a company?

But He Wanting's words didn't irritate Mu Yue, but instead irritated Mu Yifeng.

"What are you talking about!" Mu Yifeng's eyes flashed coldly like a wolf, locked on He Wanting's body firmly.

She even dared to say that the company her sister started was based on selling her body.

His sister is so good, she was so slandered, how can he not be angry as a brother?

Although Mu Yifeng's tone was full of strong anger, He Wanting did not feel that Mu Yifeng's anger was directed at herself, thinking it was directed at Mu Yue.

He thought that Mu Yifeng felt that he had been deceived by Mu Yue, so he was angry, and there was no anger in his heart.

"Mu Shao, I know, you must be very angry now because you were deceived by Chu Muyue!" He Wanting looked at Mu Yue mockingly, and said with a triumphant smile, "Chu Muyue doesn't even know who his parents are. , Being abandoned by his biological parents, no money, no power, where is it so easy to start a company, is the company so easy to start? She just betrayed her body, let Duan Shao help her out! She didn't have any Qualified to stand with Mu Shao!"

The more Mu Yifeng listened to He Wanting's words, the anger in his heart continued to burn.

Okay, very good, this one dares to speak ill of Mu Yue in front of her, and to slander her reputation.

Mu Zhitong and others, who stood behind Mu Yue, were still very angry, but when they turned to look at Mu Yifeng, the anger in his heart was gone, and replaced by gloating.

Ha ha ha, what does it mean to not die or die.

Now He Wanting is doing her own death. This girl doesn't know that Mu Yue is Mu Yifeng's own sister. Now she is slandering his sister in front of his brother. Isn't this looking for death?

"Done?" Mu Yifeng looked at He Wanting coldly.

He Wanting was taken aback and nodded quickly, "I...I'm finished, Mu Shao, I think you should have seen the true face of Chu Muyue by now..."

Before the words were finished, a burst of clear applause echoed in the air.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock, and some even covered their faces, looking at He Wanting whose face was crooked to the side.

That's right, before He Wanting finished what he said just now, Mu Yifeng directly rewarded her with a slap in an unbearable way.

This **** dared to say bad things about his baby sister, how could he not be angry?

He Wanting turned her head in surprise, and looked at Mu Yifeng in disbelief, " beat me!"

"What's wrong with me hitting you?" Mu Yifeng looked at He Wanting mockingly and squeezed his hands. "Although I don't like hitting women, I really can't control my own hands for you!"

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