Although He Wanting asked Mu Yue for trouble, after insulting her, Mu Yifeng slapped her with a lot of rumors.

However, the school didn't care about this kind of thing either, letting the students say that this kind of thing could only last for a while, and it would immediately turn to other topics.

He Wanting, who was beaten in the face, hated Mu Yue to the extreme in her heart.

In her heart, she didn't think that after Mu Yue became Mu Yifeng's sister, she would not develop in other directions.

Although Mu Yifeng said just now that her father's Huachang Company would go bankrupt, she still felt a little unreliable.

At that time, because her mind was a little confused, she didn't react for a while. Now that she calmed down, she felt that Mu Yifeng was just talking for fun, it was impossible.

How could her father's company fail so easily?

However, what she didn't know was that her father's company was really going to close down.

Receiving the notification from the bank, not only stopped lending to their company, but also asked him to repay the loan as soon as possible.

When she received this call, when she wanted to deal with it, a group of people from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce suddenly came to investigate his company and let him be the first two big people. I didn't understand why this suddenly happened.

He doesn't remember who he has offended recently!

I quickly asked the staff member who came to him, and the staff member didn't know. He only said that he had received an order from above to let them come over.

Therefore, He Wanting's father hurriedly called the top of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and asked him what was going on.

After making a lot of phone calls, I finally asked why.

But what I found out was that his daughter didn't know who had offended him, and that's why he took action on his company.

Hearing the news of the inquiries, He's father suddenly became angry.

He didn't expect that he didn't offend anyone, but that his daughter had offended someone who shouldn't be offended.

Thinking of this, He's father immediately called his daughter to find out what happened.

It takes time to inquire about the news, and it is only known in the evening. At this time, He Wanting has also eaten dinner, in her bedroom, accepting the pointers and ridicule of her roommate in the same bedroom.

He Wanting was very angry, and was about to rush to fight with her roommate, when suddenly her cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was her father's phone number, He Wanting was a little confused, but she also hurriedly connected her father's phone number, "Hey, Dad!"

"What the **** did you do in school!" He didn't wait for He Wanting to say a word, his father just roared.

He Wanting on the other side of the phone was taken aback, and was a little dumbfounded by her father's words.

She didn't expect He's father to growl at her suddenly.

He Wanting opened her mouth and asked Father He, "Dad, what are you talking about? I don't understand what you are saying!"

"You said that you didn't understand what I said? You got into trouble in the school and you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke. Don't you even know who you provoke?" He's father only felt a little ridiculous and asked angrily.

He Wanting heard what Father He said, and immediately remembered what happened during the day, and her voice suddenly trembled, "Dad...fa...what happened?"

"What happened? Should you have the face to ask me?" He's father wanted to kill his own daughter even more. "The bank not only doesn't give us loans, but also asks me to repay. Now even the people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau Come to the company to check the accounts, who did you offend?"

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