Hearing He's father's questioning, He Wanting only felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and whispered in her mouth, "How is this possible? It must not be true, it must not be true!"

He Wanting did not expect that Mu Yifeng actually did it, and it was still so fast.

She even couldn't understand, why did Mu Yifeng want to be like this?

"Say, who did you offend?" He father questioned He Wanting angrily.

Hearing He Wanting's words, how could he still not understand that this daughter is really the person who shouldn't offend the most.

He Wanting's lips were trembling, "I...I just asked Mu Shao to tell the truth about Chu Muyue, I didn't do anything!"

She only felt that everything she did was not wrong, but was meritorious, but Mu Yifeng actually did such a thing.

"Do you ask Mu Shao to talk about Chu Muyue?" Father He was taken aback, and suddenly asked in dissatisfaction and incomprehension, "What did you say?"

"I, I, I..." He Wanting heard the question from Father He, where she dared to hide, she quickly told her father what happened during the day.

When He heard He Wanting's words, he really wanted to kill this daughter and gritted his teeth.

It turned out that this daughter not only offended Mu Shao, who should not be offended, but also Chu Muyue.

Although Chu Muyue had a bad family background, the contacts she had established on her own were very strong.

His daughter actually stupidly thought that Mu Yue was able to achieve what she is now relying on her own body.

Everyone might think so before, but as Mu Yue continued to create business miracles, they had to admit that Mu Yue was not relying on the Duan family's power, but her own ability.

"Idiot, you'd better go and apologize to Mu Shao and Chu Dong, get their forgiveness, and pray that the company will not go bankrupt, otherwise... Don't blame me for not admitting your daughter, and using you to pay off the debt!

After speaking, he hung up the phone with a "pop".

Hearing what Father He said, He Wanting was stunned, and the mobile phone in her hand fell to the ground with a snap.

The roommates in the same dormitory all pointed to her, and when they saw her answering the phone, they were curious as to who was calling her.

Today's mobile phones are not as good as later generations, so the sound in He Wanting's mobile phones still more or less spread to these people's ears.

They also heard the words of He's father, and their faces were shocked. It turned out that Mu Shao really started on He Wanting's father's company, and it was still so fast.

Suddenly, the other three people in the dormitory were all whispering.

If it was just now, He Wanting would definitely be angry at the person they were whispering to, and wanted to go up and fight them.

However, there are only two words in He Wanting's mind now, and that is "finished".

She didn't know why she had this idea, but it was indeed over.

Hearing that He's father asked her to apologize to Mu Yue, she was reluctant to find Mu Yue, only that it was even more embarrassing than Mu Yifeng hit her in the face just now.

She apologized or did not apologize, her father's Huachang company would not go bankrupt, and Mu Yue didn't care about it, just looking at the medical book in her hand.

In the evening to self-study, Mu Yue returned to the classroom, and Mu Yifeng smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Sister Yue, don’t worry, what company He Wanting’s family is now in trouble with the upper body, and I will never bother you again in the future. In trouble!"

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