Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1545: The party stunning the audience 1

Don't tell me, after He Wanting received her father's call last night, He's father came to the school this afternoon and took her out of the school directly, and went through the formalities of dropping out, preventing her from continuing to study.

This incident was once again a sensation among the students of your school before. Unexpectedly, what Mu Yifeng said would come true.

The whole student circle was talking about Mu Yue and Mu Yifeng as topics.

What happened during the day had no effect on Mu Yue and the others. Until the evening, after all the students had a good dinner, they went to the school's auditorium.

Today, there is an orientation party at the school, mainly hosted by the student club, to welcome the freshmen of high school.

Back then, Mu Yue and the others also had this kind of activity, but at that time, Mu Yue didn't get the attention of the school and lived a normal life.

This time, because of Mu Yue's identity and her grades, she had to give her a speech.

However, before the speech, many people, even Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao were arranged to change a set of dresses, Mu Yue was no exception.

"I don't have to change my dress, do I?" Mu Yue only felt a headache when she heard that she had to change clothes.

Mu Zhitong and the others stared at Mu Yue eagerly, and said firmly, "It must be changed!"

"Walk around, we know you are going to give a speech, but let the student union prepare some clothes for you, you can try it!" An Ziyun said with a grin.

Mu Yue, who was pushed to the backstage, was very helpless, "It's really troublesome, I wouldn't agree if I knew it!"

"Hey, this is still necessary, let everyone see what is clothing depends on people! You completely set off the beauty of the clothes, not the clothes to set off you!" Mu Zhitong said with a grin.

For these roommates, Mu Yue could only helplessly shook his head, obediently letting them be merciless, and went to change clothes.

It took nearly an hour to be considered complete.

With Mu Yue's appearance and skin, just simply paint a light makeup, which can also bring out Mu Yue's natural beauty.

People use makeup to set off themselves, but Mu Yue directly omitted this step.

Coming out of the locker room, he has also put on a pair of high heels on his feet, looking taller than usual.

This time, Mu Yue was wearing a one-shoulder dress. The fluffy skirt underneath, coupled with her tall plaid, made it even more elegant and noble.

The long hair of the shawl is like a waterfall, vertical behind her, it makes people look more pleasing to the eye.

Both Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao, who are also the protagonists of this evening's speech, have changed into straight suits and are standing at the door.

When Mu Yue came out and saw Mu Yue walk out of the room, she was stunned on the spot.

They had seen Mu Yue's dress for the banquet before, but at that time, the dress and clothes were almost mature and elegant.

However, today's Mu Yue is a light pink and purple fluffy long skirt, which looks even more youthful and lively.

In addition, Mu Yue had an elegant aristocratic temperament originally on her body, and she was more like a princess from a fairy tale, making people unable to remove her eyes.

"How is it?" Mu Yue asked Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao hesitantly.

Upon hearing the question, Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao both came back to their senses and replied in unison.


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