Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1557: Returning to Beijing for Mid-Autumn Festival 1

"Is it in the capital? It just happened to be on the way. Our national festival is also in the capital. Let's go together! I will also stop by to see if those things are real. If I buy them all at once, I can cure Mengxi directly Now!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

She also knew the purpose of Ouyang Guohua's call and hoped that she could help Ouyang Mengxi as soon as possible.

He was afraid that the longer the delay, the lower the chance of treatment. When he got the news, he told Mu Yue directly, and only gave her a preparation.

As long as he prepares things, she can help Ouyang Mengxi treat the illness.

Mu Yue's words made Ouyang Guohua full of joy, and quickly said thankfully, "Really? Great! Thank you Chu Dong!"

"No, this is what I should do!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "Mengxi is my good sister, and I don't want her to be tortured by illness!"

Ouyang Guohua listened and said to Mu Yue with gratitude with a smile, "Thank you Chu Dong, then we will see you in the capital!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded and hung up the phone.

Mu Yue hung up the phone, Mu Zhitong just couldn't bear her temper, and asked Mu Yue quickly, "Mu Yue, what happened to Uncle Ouyang just calling you?"

Although I heard what Mu Yue said, I had already guessed something in my heart, but I still want to confirm it again.

Mu Yue glanced at Ouyang Mengxi, and said with a smile, "Your father has found medicinal materials to help you cure your illness. When you buy it at the auction, he can treat you!"

"Really?" Hearing Mu Yue's words, Ouyang Mengxi grabbed the clothes on his chest with both hands and smiled with excitement, "Is my illness really cured?"

"Yes!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "As long as your dad has all the medicinal materials and tools you need, I can help you cure the disease!"

This time, not only Mu Zhitong and An Ziyun yelled in excitement, even Ouyang Mengxi, who has always been quiet, yelled, "Great!"

"I was still worried that your father could collect all the medicinal materials you need before you are 18 years old. Now you can finally feel relieved!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Ouyang Mengxi, "As long as you are cured After that, you can live like ordinary people!"

"Thank you Mu Yue!" Ouyang Mengxi looked at Mu Yue moved, her eyes filled with crystal tears.

Mu Yue smiled and blinked at Ouyang Mengxi, and said, "This is what I should be. Who makes us good friends and sisters?"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Mengxi nodded heavily.

Mu Zhitong smiled and said jokingly, "It is the best that the disease can be cured, and you can go out and play crazy with us in the future!"

In the past, they were always worried about Ouyang Mengxi's body and did not dare to play too crazy. Now that her illness is cured, then they can have a lot of fun.

"Yeah! This is really great news! Hahaha..." An Ziyun smiled triumphantly with her hands in her waist.

Mu Yue looked at the people in the bedroom with excitement and joy, and shook his head gently, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, which also showed that he was in a good mood.

It was really busy going to the capital this time!

Since Ouyang Mengxi's preparations are about to be obtained, she also has to prepare something, ready to treat Ouyang Mengxi.

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