Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1558: Returning to Beijing for Mid-Autumn Festival 2

In a blink of an eye, it was the National Day factory, and the students left the school happily.

Because it is a holiday, considering that some student areas are far away, school will be over after one or two classes in the afternoon.

Mu Yue and others walked out of the school gate. Mu Haiye and San Aunt had been waiting for them for a long time.

"Xiao Yue'er, school is over, come!" When Aunt San saw Mu Yue, she smiled and waved to her.

Mu Yifeng touched his nose, "Now I'm going to the airport!"

"Of course I go to the airport. I have to go home today. If you don't go home, your grandpa has to urge you! You can just have dinner over there!" Mu Haiye glared at Mu Yifeng and said.

Mu Yifeng touched the back of his head and curled his lips. Grandpa was too impatient. They had just been in class for a day, and they didn't let them take a good rest. They would take a nap and return to the capital tomorrow.

If you follow what Mu Yifeng said, you will probably get home before dinner tomorrow, and it will be just right to have dinner when you get home.

If you really do this, it is estimated that it is not only Mr. Mu, but also Mu Haixuan will have to peel the skin of this stinky boy.

"Then let's go first!" Mu Yue turned around and waved goodbye to Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao and the others.

Everyone knows that Mu Yue has gone back to her home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival she went home. It is of great significance to her, and everyone wishes her sincerely.

Mu Yue got into the car, took the car with Auntie San and Mu Yifeng, went to the airport, and flew to the capital.

After flying for more than two hours, I finally arrived at the airport in the capital and got off the plane.

Mu's family is totally mobilized to receive Mu Yue.

Standing at the exit, Mu Haixuan stretched his head and looked at the exit. He saw Mu Haiye who walked out first. He glanced at it and looked back. When he saw Mu Yue who came out slowly behind him, his eyes lit up. Flew over.

"Xiao Yueer!"

Seeing Mu Haixuan's excitement, Mu Yue could only help her forehead helplessly. Dad, can we be normal?

As soon as the thought in his mind turned, his body had fallen into a firm embrace.

Mu Yue hugged Mu Haixuan's neck and said with a smile, "Dad, I miss you!"

"Think I'm going to Linshi to study!" Mu Haixuan glared in his arms, and glared at his coquettish Mu Yue.

It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted, Mu Yue can only carelessly touch his nose, revealing an awkward smile.

Mu Yue also hurriedly comforted Mu Haixuan and said, "Dad, haven't I come back? I won't go back these days, I will accompany you exclusively!"

Mu Haixuan could only helplessly rubbing Mu Yue's little head, "It's good to know that Dad misses you! Just stay in the capital these days and don't go anywhere else!"

"Good!" Mu Yue nodded very obediently.

This time, Mu Yue's people were not only Mu Haixuan, but also Mu Yutao and Mu Wenhao.

"Hi, sister Yue!"

Mu Yue smiled and waved at them, but she was held in her arms by Mu Haixuan, she could only smile awkwardly, and leaned in his arms, "Brother Yutao, Brother Wenhao!"

"You finally came, as long as we go to Grandpa's side, Grandpa always talks about you!" Mu Yutao said jokingly with a smile.

Mu Wenhao also smiled and nodded in agreement, "Before we went home, grandpa could say a few good things, but now we all dislike us, we don't have the warmth of your little padded jacket!"


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