Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1559: Returning to Beijing for Mid-Autumn Festival 3

When Mu Yue returned home, she saw Father Mu sitting on the sofa with a bright smile on his old face.

"Grandpa!" Grandpa Mu hugged Mu Yue with a smile, and gently patted her on the back, "Grandpa dear, I'm finally back, I miss Grandpa!"

"Didn't I come back?" Mu Yue said to Mr. Mu with a smile.

"You still know that you will come back. You won't come back after you went to Linshi. Now you are back. I think your girl is owed!" Elder Mu glared at Mu Yue and reprimanded.

Mu Yue touched his nose in embarrassment, and smiled slyly, "Where, isn't this good for me? It just so happens that the National Day will be in Beijing for a whole week!"

"Huh hum!" Old man Mu was humming his nose, his old face was full of dissatisfaction, "If you study in the capital, old man I can see you every day! It takes only one month to see you Compared to one time, it is too far behind!"

Mu Yue suddenly became dumb, not knowing what to say to persuade the old man.

"Grandpa, come, let me squeeze your shoulders first!" Since you can't use your mouth, let's use your hands, get up quickly, and massage your shoulders for Father Mu.

Elder Mu happily asked Mu Yue to massage her shoulders, and nodded happily, feeling that she was pinching her shoulders, and her whole body felt comfortable.

Compared with other people pinching shoulders and beating back, Mu Yue focuses on those acupuncture points and knows how to massage his shoulders. Therefore, the effect can be exerted to 100% when kneading.

"It's so comfortable!" Mr. Mu let out a comfortable groan, with a happy smile on his old face.

Mu Haixuan walked to the edge of the sofa and said to Mr. Mu, "Dad, Xiao Yueer has just got off the plane. I have been on the plane for more than two hours and I am very tired!"

Mu Yue was on the plane, and it was still half a day, Mu Haixuan felt distressed and reminded Mr. Mu.

Elder Mu opened his eyes, turned his head and glared at Mu Haixuan fiercely, expressing his dissatisfaction with him.

Then he turned his head to look at Mu Yue next to him, grabbed her wrist, and said comfortingly, "Xiao Yue has been on the plane for so long. She must be tired. Don't give grandpa a massage. I will give it to grandpa tomorrow. massage!"

"It's okay, I'm not tired!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Elder Mu.

Father Mu was immediately even more happy, "Oh, my dear old man, you are not tired, old man I look tired! Come on, don’t squeeze, sit down and take a rest, have a cup of tea, and then have dinner. Let’s take a good night’s rest today!"

Everyone in the Mu family couldn't help but roll their eyes secretly in their hearts, this old man didn't even feel blushing when he said this!

I don't know who it is, just enjoying Mu Yue's massage and kneading so comfortably!

Father Mu naturally didn't know the thoughts of his children and grandchildren, but he put his arms around Mu Yue's shoulders, that was a joy!

"Oh, Xiao Yue'er has grown up. Grandpa has never hugged you since he was a child. Now that he has grown so big, Grandpa can't hold you anymore!" Father Mu still seems a little dissatisfied, just thinking like holding a baby. , Hold her in his arms.

Mu Yue was ashamed, likewise, everyone in the Mu family was ashamed.

This old man's request is really getting bigger and bigger.

In the past, Mu Yue didn't come back and didn't have such a big request. Now when Mu Yue comes back, she still dislikes Mu Yue being so big that she can't hold her.

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