Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1575: A man stronger than a horse 2

"Your friends, what about them?" Xiao Fengyi asked when he heard it, turning his head curiously, looking around.

"Well, they are playing shooting, I am here, I rode him for a drive, and then I went back!" Mu Yue quickly found an excuse and said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it!" Xiao Fengyi nodded.

Du Xueqin also followed the white horse that Mu Yue was pointing at. With a sigh, she ran to the side of the white horse and turned around.

"Isn't this the fiercest horse in the club? I have never heard of anyone who can ride him everywhere!" Du Xueqin looked at the white horse in surprise, then turned to look at Mu Yue again. "Is this you riding?"

Mu Yue touched his nose nonchalantly, and said, "Well, yes, I have a better relationship with him!"

"How can you say fate? I heard that many people wanted to ride this horse, but he fell off, and some of them had their bones broken and were lying in the hospital. A few months!" Du Xueqin said to Mu Yue excitedly, "It's a miracle that you can tame this fierce horse!"

Xiao Fengyi looked disapproving, and said with a smile, "Oh, what's weird about this, but Mu Yue can tame a man more fierce than a horse, but can't he tame this white horse?"

Du Xueqin didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Fengyi's words, and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Fengyi patted Mu Yue's shoulder with a big hand, and said with a smile, "Of course Mu Yue can tame your cousin Junyan, that fellow, you didn't know, before! You couldn't say a word in a day, now, ever since After meeting Mu Yue, the younger sister, I came back to talk a little bit more, at least not like before, don't you think?"

Du Xueqin's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she nodded heavily, "Yes, yes, yes! I used to think he was very cold. I am not afraid of anyone at home, so I am most afraid of him! Now I think it's okay. !"

Xiao Fengyi joked at Du Xueqin's eyebrows and said, "That's why! Jun Yan is a man more fierce than this horse. Mu Yue, a little junior girl, can handle it so well, let alone this white horse! You say it! is not it?"

When Mu Yue listened, she only felt the three crows flying over her head, but she couldn't help but feel distressed for Xiao Junyan.

In the past, Xiao Junyan seldom had contact with his family, and they might have too little affection for him, which made this sister fear him and even more alienated.

Now, since she had chosen Xiao Junyan, she would no longer let him experience this kind of family estrangement.

"Pop!" Du Xueqin clenched her hand into a fist and hit the palm of her other hand, "Dual!"

"How can it be so exaggerated!" Mu Yue couldn't listen anymore, and quickly explained, "Senior Brother Xiao is actually pretty good, it's just cold outside and hot inside!"

"We don't know this!" Xiao Fengyi looked at Mu Yue with a look that I had never known, "It seems that you, the little junior sister, know him best! You deserve to be the little junior sister Jun Yan liked! Enough to be my Xiao Fengyi's younger siblings!"

"Khan!" There was a fine cold sweat on Mu Yue's forehead. Would you like this!

"Um..." Du Xueqin tangled her fingers right, looked at Mu Yue and then at Xiao Fengyi, "Although Mu Yue seems to be younger than me, hehe...I think she is even more powerful. I don't need her if she is there. I'm afraid of Cousin Junyan!"

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