Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1576: A man stronger than a horse 3

Mu Yue was speechless to Du Xueqin and Xiao Fengyi, and could only smile dry.

"So, you think so, Mu Yue is the best wife of our Xiao family, right?" Xiao Fengyi put her arms around Du Xueqin's shoulders and asked with a smile.

Du Xueqin nodded and said, "Yes! Yes, I don't have to worry about my face getting old in the future! I will be an 18-year-old girl when I go out!"


When Mu Yue heard this, she suddenly felt a little depressed. Is this the reason?

"Cough, cough, cough, I... I have some other things, Sister Fengyi, you guys have fun here!" Mu Yue could only divert her attention and said to Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin.

"Well, you are really busy!" Xiao Fengyi nodded in understanding.

Knowing that Mu Yue started a company, I don't know if she went to the capital to work on the company, so if she was going to work, she would not interfere with her.

"Go, go busy!" Xiao Fengyi waved his hand to Mu Yue and said, "If you come to Beijing to play in the future, you must contact me!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I will give you some good things next time!"

"Yes, yes!" Du Xueqin listened and nodded quickly, "Medicinal liquor, medicinal liquor, I want medicinal liquor, by the way, you must give me privately! The last time you asked cousin Junyan to send me the medicinal liquor, I I haven't drunk much, Grandpa wants to rush to drink with us!"

"Really?" Mu Yue felt even more happy when she heard this. He didn't expect them to like their medicinal wine so much.

"Of course! After drinking the medicinal wine, I feel all fatigue is gone. This is the best refreshing thing I have ever drunk!" Du Xueqin nodded and said.

"Hehehe, you can drink medicated wine in the future. I am already preparing to build a medicated food restaurant in Beijing. My medicated wine is the home of the medicated food restaurant. If you want to drink it in the future, you can go to the medicated restaurant to drink. !" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Du Xueqin.

Du Xueqin heard this and immediately clapped her hands with joy, "Really? That's great!"

Mu Yue smiled and seduced Du Xueqin and said, "Well, there are some beauty diets in it, which have a good nourishing effect on your body and skin. I believe you will also like it very much!"

"It can be cosmetic, that's great!" Du Xueqin smiled and touched her face, full of excitement.

Mu Yue waved his hand to Du Xueqin and the others, and said, "Okay, I'm going to work now, and you can play here slowly!"

"Bye bye, I'm waiting for you to open the medicinal restaurant to the capital!" Du Xueqin waved her hand to Mu Yue and said.

Mu Yue nodded and turned on the white horse, acting very handsomely.

I finally bid farewell to Xiao Fengyi and the others, and went to find the brothers of the Mu family.

When Mu Yuqing and others saw Mu Ye, they were immediately overjoyed, "Sister Yue, where have you been?"

"I just ridden the horse and whipped the whip. I didn't expect that I would run a long distance in this run. I didn't expect it, so I ran a long way, and I only came back now!" Mu Yue found a reason for herself before returning, laughing. Explained.

"You girl!" Mu Yuqing heard this, but shook his head helplessly, "Be careful in the future, don't run so fast!"

"Yes!" Mu Hongbo nodded and said with concern.

Mu Yue touched her nose and thought to herself, if I let you know that I am with Xiao Junyan's sister and them, I don't know what it will be like!

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