Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1577: Underground Auction 1

Mu Yue will not forget about Ouyang Guohua.

Have a good lunch and plan to meet Ouyang Guohua to discuss the auction event at night.

Since it is an underground auction, it must be held at night.

However, Mu Yue wanted to participate, but the Mu family was worried about her safety.

"Are you going to participate in that auction? I've heard of it before, but it's an underground auction. It's very dangerous!" Mu Haiye frowned when she heard Mu Yue's words.

Mu Hongbo also nodded and persuaded Mu Yue, "Yes, this kind of underground auction is very dangerous, so don't go. Since your classmate's father has gone, you should not go!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly, and smiled comfortingly at Mu Haiye, "Don't worry, San Bo, my skill, it is estimated that no one is better than me except my dad!"

"You can't say that. In our family, your dad is the best!" Mu Haiye said disapprovingly, "I'll go with you!"

"This..." Mu Yue frowned when she heard it.

Mu Haiye dropped her own words directly, threatening Mu Yue, "If you don't promise me to accompany you, I won't allow it!"

When Mu Yue heard this, she could only sigh with embarrassment and helplessness on her face, "Okay, then San Uncle will go with me!"

"I will go too!" Mu Yifeng and the others both raised their hands and wanted to go together.

"What are you going to do with so many people, stay at home obediently, your kid finished your homework? Still thinking about going out to play!" Mu Haiye glared at the crowd, and then questioned his son Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng looked at Mu Yue aggrievedly, and reminded him, "Isn't Sister Yue the same? She's gone too!"

"I have finished my homework!" Mu Yue said with a grin at Mu Yifeng.

"Have you heard?" Mu Yifeng was even more happy when he heard it, and glared at Mu Yifeng, "Look, look! How good is Xiaoyue, you stinky kid, you haven't finished your homework yet!"

Mu Yifeng didn't know what to say.

Mu Yue couldn't help but smile, and patted Mu Yifeng on the shoulder, "It's okay, I didn't plan to take anyone there. Uncle San is going, so I can only take him with him, so everyone is not worried! I am going. It's not for fun to do things! After I buy it, I have to treat Mengxi!"

"Forget it! I'm going to do my homework!" Mu Yifeng curled his lips, but obediently stopped.

The other people in Mu's family also didn't go.

Mu Haiye took Mu Yue to the hotel in Ouyang Guohuading.

This time, Ouyang Guohua was not the only one who came here, but also his wife and daughter Ouyang Mengxi.

Because Mu Yue planned to treat Ouyang Mengxi immediately after buying the medicine.

Seeing Mu Yue's arrival, Ouyang Mengxi showed an expectant smile on his face.

Today, as long as her father buys the medicinal materials, her illness will be cured.

"Mu Yue, thank you!" Ouyang Mengxi stepped forward, looking at Mu Yue gratefully and said.

Mu Yue smiled and waved his hand, "Who makes us friends? Besides, I am also a doctor. It is my duty to treat diseases and save people!"

"Anyway, thank you. Without you, I might not have survived eighteen years!" Ouyang Mengxi said with a smile.

Mu Yue patted Ouyang Mengxi on the shoulder and comforted her, "Don't worry, I will definitely make you live a long life!"


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