Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1578: Underground Auction 2

When Ouyang Guohua saw Mu Haiye who was following Mu Yue, his face was shocked.

In his capacity, how could he not know Mu Haiye, how could he not know him?

Even if it is not very familiar, it is more or less, I have met several times, and talked several times.

"Mr. Mu, why are you here? Welcome!" Ouyang Guohua said to Mu Haiye quickly and enthusiastically.

Mu Yue told Ouyang Mengxi not to tell others about his identity, including their parents, Ouyang Mengxi also agreed.

Therefore, at this time, Ouyang Guohua didn't know the relationship between Mu Yue and Mu Haiye. Now I was surprised to see Mu Haiye and Mu Yue together, a little flattered.

As long as it is someone with some ability, he naturally knows what identity Mu Haiye is, and what is the identity of the person behind him.

Now that he can see Mu Haiye come to him, no matter who it is, it will be shocked.

Mu Haiye said plainly, "Don't care about me, I came with Xiao Yueer today!"

Although Ouyang Guohua had also heard of it, Mu Haiye's son Mu Yifeng is now in the same class as his daughter Ouyang Mengxi.

But still a little surprised, the relationship between Mu Haiye and Mu Yue is so good.

"Mr. Mu and Miss Chu are very familiar?" Ouyang Guohua asked in surprise.

To be familiar, it should be the relationship between Mu Yifeng and Mu Yue, right?

He never thought that Mu Haiye came to Linshi for Mu Yue, let alone their relationship.

Mu Haiye nodded, "Hmm! Yeah!"

Regarding Mu Yue's identity, they haven't announced it yet, so naturally they won't mention it with outsiders.

Moreover, Ouyang Guohua was not from the capital, and he didn't know the headache of Mu Haixuan in his family. Therefore, it was impossible to say that Mu Yue gave Mu Haixuan the headache.

This kind of thing is only known to those with a little ability in the capital, but other people don't know, let alone Ouyang Guohua!

Mu Yue glanced at Mu Haiye, diverting his attention from the important task, "Let's talk about the auction at night first!"

The only person here who knows the relationship between Mu Yue and Mu Haiye is Ouyang Mengxi.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, knowing that she was about to change the subject, she nodded her head quickly and pulled her father to change the subject, "Dad, now I'm going to talk about the next auction. You have to buy me those medicines!"

Mu Yue turned her head and gave Ouyang Mengxi an admiring look, and Ouyang Mengxi smiled ashamed.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Ouyang Guohua listened and nodded quickly, "Immediately!"

With that said, he gave Mu Yue the order from the underground auction.

The list sold at the underground auction in the evening has been obtained by Ouyang Guohua.

Underground auctions are dark transactions, and the things traded are not ordinary things.

There are precious Chinese medicines, some ancient relics obtained from tomb robbing, and there are also some weird things. It depends on everyone's hobbies.

In it, Mu Yue also saw some ancient jade, wondering if those ancient jade had better material and could also be used as amulets.

This time, not only was it to buy medicine for Ouyang Mengxi, but also to see what she needed. If she liked something, she would not leave it behind.

After discussing the auction in the evening, Ouyang Guohua invited guests. After everyone had a terrible meal, the five people went to the underground auction together.

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