Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1581: Underground Auction 5

After waiting for a while, I finally waited until the start of the underground auction.

The central platform suddenly lit up with a few strong lights, and the central booth was illuminated like daylight, so that everyone could see the situation clearly.

"it has started!"

A middle-aged man in a suit came up with a microphone in his hand and said to the windows, "Welcome everyone to come and participate in this auction. My name is Gu Wen and I am the host of this auction!"

"Guwen! This name is so strange!" When Ouyang Mengxi heard the name, he laughed.

Just as Ouyang Mengxi’s voice fell, the host of Guwen smiled and joked, “Everyone probably laughs when they hear my name. Why is my name so strange, it’s Guwen! I can’t help it, it’s me. My parents gave me the name, I hope I can be educated, and I want to change it in the future, but I don’t want to, so I always use this name!"


The voice of the ancient Chinese fell, and there was a slight laughter in the box.

Mu Yue nodded, and said admiringly, "This guy is still very active!"

"Who said no!" Ouyang Guohua also nodded with a smile in agreement.

Although it is a box, it is also clear that in other boxes, he will definitely laugh at what he said, unless it is someone who has heard him say these things.

"Okay, now let's get back to business. After all, everyone here at this auction today wants to take pictures of their favorite baby, and I don't want me to waste time on my name!" Gu Wen smiled and said to everyone, "Then , Now come to invite the first protagonist of today's auction!"

When the voice fell, there was a beautiful model wearing a cheongsam, pushing a small cart and walking up.

The top of the cart is covered with a red cloth to hide the things on it.

The ancient text did not immediately lift the red cloth above, but smiled and said to everyone, "Presumably everyone knows the great traitor in history, Qin Hui. He once killed our national hero, Marshal Yue Feiyue!"

Although everyone has obtained the catalogue at this auction and knows that this is the first thing that may be shot, the ancient texts are still indispensable to praise and let everyone know a little bit.

Even people who don’t understand, after listening to the host, might like it?

The ancient Chinese said with a smile, "Although Qin Hui is a treacherous minister, we are not ashamed of it. However, we also have to look at him from another aspect, that is his calligraphy!"

"Qin Hui is one of the most influential calligraphers in the history of our country. He is the founder of calligraphy in the Song Dynasty. He is very accomplished in calligraphy. He formed a family based on the strengths of his predecessors and created a font for printing. Later, people imitated the structure and brushwork of Song Ti, and changed it to the same thickness, beautiful and narrow printing, which is imitated Song Ti!"

"Anyone who can come to participate in today's auction has a computer. The fonts in the documents are imitated by Song Ti. This is the influence of the traitor Qin Hui that we spurned!"

"Originally, according to what we call calligraphy, Liu Gongquan's characters are called Liu Ti, and Yan Zhenqing's characters are called Yan Ti. Then, the font created by Qin Hui should be called Qin Ti."

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