Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1582: Underground Auction 6

"However, after Qin Hui became the prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, he went to foreign countries, framed Zhongliang, and murdered the anti-Golden national hero Yue Fei on the charge of \'unnecessary\'. He was despised by future generations and was regarded as a sinner through the ages; until today, he and The iron statue of his wife was still kneeling in front of Yue Fei’s tomb and was spurned. During his nineteen years in power, his reputation was very bad. The font is also not named after his surname. (Although it is said that the name "Qin Ti" actually appeared when this type was originally created, but when Qin Hui was in prison, it was extremely crowded out by the people and changed to "Song Ti". "The word."

"In addition, the calligrapher’s character and brushwork are equally important; and Qin Hui is sinister and cunning, without big-mindedness and high character, even if his brushwork is beautiful, he is not liked by others; therefore, the folks and calligraphy circles were unwilling to associate this type of font with Qin Hui linked it together and changed it to the name of the creative dynasty, called "Song Ti", and passed it down."

Ouyang Mengxi opened his eyes wide astonished as he listened to the host’s ancient prose, "Ah? Is this still the case?"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and looked at Ouyang Mengxi and said, "Did you believe him so easily?"

"Isn't it?" Ouyang Mengxi asked Mu Yue incomprehensibly.

Mu Yue shook his head slightly, and said, "This is also a rumor, but it is not true. In history, although Qin Hui's calligraphy is good, this Song Ti is not created by him, and the imitation Song Ti is not influenced by him. This is just a kind of exaggeration by the host, just to fool some people who don’t understand, and to be curious about the Duan Yan used by Qin Hui!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, she immediately shrank her neck and stuck her tongue out, "So it's like this!"

"Only people who really understand calligraphy can really know the history of this calligraphy. They only know the outline, not the people who know it, or they don't know it. They can only fool you to increase the value of this auction item!" Mu Yue said lightly.

After hearing this, Mu Haiye couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Mu Yue, and said complimentingly, "Xiao Yue'er, you are really amazing. If it weren't for you, I would have been deceived by him. I thought it was true. That’s right! After all, a lot of what this auction will say is true and false, and everyone believed it and thought it was true! Alas, what a shame!"

Mu Yue smiled and comforted Mu Haiye, "Because I am studying Chinese medicine, I need to write prescriptions with brush writing, so I have to get involved in calligraphy, and only understand, I don’t know, I believe his words, and Don't feel embarrassed!"

On the stage, the ancient Chinese said with a smile, "Of course, today is not to study Qin Hui’s calligraphy, but to take a look. Qin Hui once wrote so many calligraphy, and used the same treasure, that is the inkstone in the four treasures of the study. !"

When the voice fell, the ancient text lifted the covered red cloth and revealed the inkstone on the cart.

"Presumably everyone knows that the inkstones are also hierarchical. The best type of inkstone is Duan inkstone, which has the reputation of "the first of the group of inkstones."

"In history, Duan inkstone was forbidden to be produced by the private sector. The only people who can use it are high-ranking officials, celebrities, and scholars!"

"It's just that Duan inkstones without history can be worth tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands. What's more, this is the Duan inkstone used by the calligraphers in history!"

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