With the admiration of the ancient prose, I really remembered a burst of enthusiastic purchase prices.

Buying this kind of stuff is not something you like, and it may be given to someone you like. Therefore, there are more than one or two people who buy it.

Mu Yue and the others did not come for these, so they did not bid.

Only bid when you want it.

With the same thing being photographed, there are also some things that people here don't like, so I just kept it for shooting.

"With so many things on it, you can't eat it!" The ancient text said, and he laughed, "Next, what we want to shoot is edible. It is a kind of natural treasure, everyone should know. The benefits of ginseng, if you are tired, you can eat ginseng. If you are not healthy, you can also eat ginseng to replenish your body. Today we are also taking ginseng, but this ginseng is not half of Changbai Mountain ginseng or American ginseng. It's a kind of ginseng called Fire Yang Ginseng!"

The ancient text lifted the red cloth on the cart, and the fire-sun ginseng was immediately exposed in front of everyone.

There is no difference in the shape of this fire sun ginseng from other ginsengs. The only difference is the color. It is fiery red, like the feeling of a ginseng in a flame.

Hence the name Fire Yang Ginseng.

"This kind of ginseng is not something that ordinary people can take. It doesn't matter whether it’s good or bad, it can’t be taken, but people who need to learn martial arts can take it. Cultivation base!" Gu Wen said with a smile, "Of course, I am not a martial artist, so I don’t know about this. I also listen to our appraisal masters and they have seen some ancient books. The specific effect is not very good. clear!"

"Finally!" Mu Yue's eyes flashed, and her body was straight.

Ouyang Guohua listened to the ancient prose and asked Mu Yue anxiously, "Miss Chu, the ancient prose said, this fire sun ginseng can only be eaten by people who learn martial arts, you see?"

Mu Yue smiled and turned to Ouyang Guohua to explain, "Indeed, if it is an ordinary person, it is true that only people who learn martial arts can eat, but Mengxi's body is different!"

"Why?" Mrs. Ouyang asked Mu Yue curiously.

"Because Mengxi is a physique with six yin and no veins, her physique is from the most yin to the cold, and she needs to use strong heat to improve her physique!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "this fire sun ginseng Inside, there is a large amount of heat energy. Ordinary people who only eat a small piece will get angry because of the medicinal effect of this fire sun ginseng. This fire is not ordinary fire, but the energy and blood are filled to the extreme, but it will be harmful. It makes them feel like they are exploding and dying. The feeling of death is the same as being burned by fire!"

Ouyang Mengxi nodded and looked at the fire-yang ginseng on the stage, eyes full of anticipation.

"This kind of fire sun ginseng's participation power, only those who practice martial arts can resolve his medicinal effects through the internal strength they have learned, and the skill will indeed increase, but it is only a small amount. The effect is not It’s huge!” Mu Yue glanced at Ouyang Mengxi again, “It’s also because of the strong medicinal power of this fire Yangshen that I will find some other medicinal materials to reduce and neutralize the medicinal power, and then improve it through my acupuncture and moxibustion. Mengxi's body!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Ouyang Guohua and Mu Haiye nodded their heads when they heard it. They didn't expect that there was such a meaning.

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