"Now start bidding, the starting price is 10,000, and each increase is not less than 1,000!" Gu Wen quoted directly.

He also knows that this kind of medicinal material can only be eaten by martial arts practitioners, and ordinary people cannot eat it.

Almost all the people who come to participate in this underground auction are ordinary people, and it is impossible for anyone to need it, so the bid price is also very cheap.

Hearing this starting price, Ouyang Guohua was slightly relieved, "Fortunately it is not expensive!"

But before he was happy, a voice came into his ears, "I give out fifteen thousand!"

"Huh?" Mu Yue heard this voice, turned his head, looked outside through the glass window.

Unexpectedly, someone would come to buy this fire sun ginseng.

Ouyang Guohua wanted to increase the price, and Mu Yue grabbed him and said, "Just add one thousand, sixteen thousand, try!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Ouyang Guohua nodded and bid the price to sixteen thousand.

Sure enough, when the price was called out, the other bidder almost didn't even consider the direct bid, "I'm out of fifty thousand!"

"It seems that this guy may be a warrior!" Mu Yue thought for a while and said to Ouyang Guohua.

Ouyang Guohua heard this, and suddenly asked Mu Yue anxiously, "Ah? What shall we do then?"

Mu Yue smiled and shook his head, comforting Ouyang Guohua, "Don't worry, this fire sun ginseng is not needed by martial artists of every level. This guy has only the peak of Anjin at best, and will not exceed the peak of Anjin. , Beyond, this fire sun ginseng can't play any role at all! Take it!"

"Okay!" Hearing Mu Yue's explanation and comfort, Ouyang Guohua nodded and started bidding with that guy.

"I pay half a million!"

In the other box, a young man in a black cloak had a hideous look on his face when he heard Ouyang Guohua's report of 500,000.

"Damn it, which **** is vying with me!"

Standing behind the youth chair, a middle-aged man with a slightly puffy body, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked him, "Wang...Wang Shao, then... then do we want to increase the price?"

"Plus! This thing must not be snatched by that bastard!" The young man called Wang Shao had a grim expression and gritted his teeth.

The middle-aged man tremblingly said to this Wang Shao again, "But... but the purpose of our visit this time, isn't the main purpose of the bloodmarrow grass?"

"Is it your turn to take care of this young master's affairs?" After hearing the middle-aged man's words, this young master Wang turned his head angrily and stared at him, his eyes full of anger and strong killing intent.

"But... But Master Bei Ming wants us to take the bloodmarrow grass at any cost!" The middle-aged man still tremblingly said to this Wang Shao.

In this era, it is already a sky-high price to buy this fire sun ginseng that can only be used with martial arts dishes for 500,000 yuan.

The middle-aged man was also afraid that he could not buy the bloodmarrow grass that Master Beiming needed, so he tried his best to remind this Wang Shao.

Shao Wang's eyes flashed with cold light, "If you don't have money, wouldn't you do it yourself?"

"I... I've worked very hard!" The middle-aged man was almost crying, and if it weren't for them, he wouldn't have so much money.

However, he couldn't bring out so much at once, otherwise, the company would not be able to continue.

"Trash! Useless things!" Wang Shao listened, and suddenly kicked the coffee table in front of him fiercely, furious in the box.

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