It seems that this young man also knows that the purpose of coming here this time is that the fire sun ginseng is useful to him, not what they mainly want to buy.

In the end, Ouyang Guohua took the fire sun ginseng.

Hearing the final word in the ancient prose, Ouyang Guohua was a little relieved, "Finally, I got it!"

"It seems that the other party's assets are limited!" Mu Yue smiled and said.

Ouyang Guohua nodded, with a smile on his face, "Yeah! I thought I couldn't take the photo. Now that I take the photo, I feel relieved!"

I finally bought the fire sun ginseng first, which made the atmosphere in the box a lot better.

After a few more auction items, another medicinal material that Ouyang Mengxi needed, "Blood Marrow Grass" finally appeared.

"This bloodsarrow grass, like the fire sun ginseng just now, can only be used by martial artists, and can help people improve their cultivation base, and those who know the goods can take pictures!" Gu Wen said to everyone with a smile.

"Hey!" In another box, the young man surnamed Wang snorted after listening to the ancient Chinese, and said mockingly, "An ant is an ant, and I don't even know the real purpose of this bloodmarrow grass. It's shameful to be talking here! "

The middle-aged man standing behind this young man named Wang lowered his head and said nothing.

And Mu Yue, who was in her box, shook her head slightly, and sighed, "It seems that the backstage of this auction is an ordinary person!"

"Oh? How to say?" Mu Haiye asked Mu Yue in surprise and curiosity.

Mu Yue smiled and said, "The main purpose of this bloodsarrow grass is to repair the veins and veins. If it is useful to the martial artist, it is not to improve the cultivation level, but when the martial artist breaks through the training, the muscles and veins are damaged. The medicine can recover from the injury!"

"So it's like this, it's a healing medicine!" Mu Haiye nodded clearly, and sighed softly, "Sure enough, a layman is a layman, and he doesn't understand at all!

"Isn't this great?" Mu Yue smiled slightly, "Just give us a chance, but I don't know if the guy just now will compete with us!"

Ouyang Guohua heard this, and asked Mu Yue worriedly, "Then what if you compete with us?"

Mu Yue smiled comfortingly at Ouyang Guohua, "Don't worry, even if it is a fight, he is not a threat to us!"

"Oh, that's good!" Ouyang Guohua listened and nodded.

At this moment, Gu Wen also quoted the price of the bloodmarrow grass. The starting price was 100,000, which was obviously higher than that of the fire sun ginseng, but the bid was still no less than 1,000.

"I'm out of one hundred thousand!" Ouyang Guohua couldn't control the urgency in his heart when he saw this bloodmarrow grass, and immediately quoted his price.

Hearing Ouyang Guohua's quotation, Wang Qingnian, who was planning to make an offer, suddenly became more gloomy.

"Come and grab Wang Qiang with me again, looking for death!" Wang Qiang's eyes flashed with cold light, and he gritted his teeth.

If Ouyang Guohua was in front of him, he would definitely not hesitate to step forward and take him alive.

Wang Qiang turned his head and threatened the middle-aged man behind him fiercely, "Never let him get the bloodmarrow grass, have you heard it, otherwise, you will only have a dead end!"

"Yes, yes!" Hearing Wang Qiang's words, the middle-aged man nodded quickly, quoted his own price, and began to compete with Ouyang Guohua for the bloodmarrow grass.

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