Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1612: Beimingjie Intercept 2

Bei Mingjie didn't listen to Mu Yue's words at all, "I don't care if my apprentice died in your hands, you... must die today!"

"Haha! Really?" Mu Yue sneered, and looked at Bei Mingjie mockingly, "Who do you think you are? As a warrior, it's okay if you don't do good things, even if I'm true. Killing your apprentice, that is also walking the way for the sky!"

Not to mention that Wang Qiang ran into it himself, and then he dug a hole and killed himself.

Even if Wang Qiang was unwilling to let them go, she would not offend him, and she would never show mercy.

Bei Mingjie’s eyes flashed with cold light, and his whole body exuded a strong murderous and powerful aura. His tone was full of thick threats, "As long as you hand over the bloodsarrow grass, I will let you Die happily!"

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Ha ha ha, Bloodmarrow Grass? Are you for your apprentice or bloodmarrow grass?"

Sure enough, this person needs Bloodmarrow Grass.

Looking at Bei Mingjie's cultivation base, it should be the middle stage of the realm of transformation.

But who is Mu Yue? She is a descendant of the school of mysterious medicine, a Chinese doctor with superb medical skills, and she can see a person's physical condition clearly by seeing, hearing, and asking.

Looking closely now, Mu Yue could see that the muscles and veins of Bei Mingjie's body in front of him were seriously damaged.

Obviously, he had previously wanted to make a breakthrough in his cultivation, but he failed. Instead, his muscles were damaged. Then, he needed blood marrow grass to repair the muscles, otherwise, his cultivation would have to go down!

Knowing that bloodmarrow grass was being auctioned at the underground auction, Wang Qiang was sent to buy it.

However, he did not expect that because he wanted to treat Ouyang Mengxi's body, he did not bring as much money as Ouyang Guohua, and was finally bought by Ouyang Guohua.

After that, Wang Qiang wanted to attack Mu Yue and the others, just to **** the blood marrow grass and restore Bei Mingjie's body.

Bei Mingjie's cold and sharp eyes fell on Mu Yue's body. If his eyes could kill people, Mu Yue would have been completely battered.

"As long as you hand over the bloodsarrow grass, I can make your death easier! Otherwise..." Bei Mingjie didn't answer Mu Yue's words, but threatened her instead.

Mu Yue's mouth showed a smile and chuckled lightly, "Otherwise what? If you don't have my bloodmarrow grass, your cultivation will not recover, so if you want to kill me, you have to weigh it!"

She also knew that since Bei Mingjie had to go to the underground auction to get the bloodmarrow grass, now he came directly to her to ask for it, and it must be impossible to get it for a while.

Moreover, his physical condition cannot wait too long.

At that time, even if Bei Mingjie had obtained the Bloodmarrow Grass and recovered his muscles and veins, it was estimated that there would be no way to break through again.

This is why Bei Mingjie didn't even think of other ways to look for Bloodmarrow Grass.

When Bei Mingjie heard Mu Yue's words, his murderous aura became even heavier, "You asked for it!"

Glancing at the car door next to Mu Yue, the shadow of the figure in the gap under the car door flashed brightly.

He knew that the person who had already Mu Yue had already called someone, and he had to solve Mu Yue in a short time and get it from her.

When the voice fell, Bei Mingjie stomped his right foot on the ground, his body like a cannonball, rushed out, and raised his hand to attack Mu Yue.

After Bei Mingjie returned from Feng Tong, listening to his description, he knew that Mu Yue's skill was extraordinary, otherwise how could he easily defeat his apprentice.

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