Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1613: Beimingjie Intercept 3

Mu Haixuan, who was processing the documents in front of him in the capital, suddenly heard Mu Haiye's call, and he was a little curious, "Brother, you called me..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu Haiye didn't wait for him to finish speaking, so he told the story here, "Fifth, send your men over, Xiao Yue and I were killed by the previous one. The latter was intercepted!"

"What!" Hearing Mu Haiye's words, Mu Haixuan suddenly stood up from his seat, his eyes widened and his face was shocked.

Thinking that his daughter was in danger, Mu Haixuan really wished that he would fly to Mu Yue's side now, but he was in the capital now, not in the forest city.

Although very anxious and angry, she still sensibly asked Mu Haiye quickly, "Where are you now?"

"We are now on the **** road to the military area, you hurry up and send someone over!" Mu Haiye said hurriedly.

When Mu Haixuan heard this, he nodded and quickly hung up his cell phone, "Okay! You are waiting over there, I will send someone over right away!"

At the same time, just behind Mu Haiye, Mu Yue did not relax his vigilance, and even revealed all of his cultivation base, revealing the cultivation base of Anjin Peak.

Seeing Bei Mingjie attacking, Mu Yue didn't give up at all, raised his hand, and struck Bei Mingjie's palm together.

"Touching" the palms of each other, strong internal energy gushed out from the palms of the two of them, and Mu Yue was so shocked that Mu Yue retreated backwards and slammed into the driver's door.

On the other side, Bei Mingjie, the situation was a lot better, and Mu Yue really took a step back.

This was not at all because Bei Mingjie was not Mu Yue's opponent, but he had never expected that Mu Yue's burst of power would exceed his expectations. Therefore, his shot strength was not strong enough, and he was shocked to take a step back.

Bei Mingjie lowered his head, looked at his palm, and saw that there was a point in his palm.

A drop of red blood poured out from this spot, and soon it turned black.

"Papa!" As soon as Bei Mingjie saw the change in the palm of his hand, he quickly raised his hand and pressed acupuncture points on his arm.

He didn't expect that Mu Yue's blow would have a poisonous needle, and it still pierced his palm.

When facing Mu Yue, he didn't see anything in her palm at all.

For those masters like them, it is not only to move quickly, but also to react quickly, and the reaction speed of the eyes must also be quick.

He also always paid attention to Mu Yue's palm, but he didn't see anything in her palm, so he didn't have any defense.

However, he didn't expect to suffer a loss, and he was poisoned.

"You are poisoned!" Bei Mingjie's eyes were red, and he stared at Mu Yue angrily, gnashing his teeth when he spoke.

There was a smile on Mu Yue's mouth and a chuckle, "This is not a formal contest, and you want to kill me, so why don't I take the first step?"

Although poisoning this kind of thing is not very good, it is not a gentleman.

But Mu Yue is not a gentleman, and Bei Mingjie is not the kind of person who can stop her with his mouth. He wants to kill her.

Therefore, Mu Yue didn't show any mercy, nor did he plan to fight head-on.

"You... are looking for death!" Bei Mingjie's eyes were red, and his body was filled with a thick murderous aura.

This time, he didn't care if Mu Yue would pay bleeding marrow grass, he would never let her die so happy.

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