Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1618: Mu Yue's life and death line 4

The golden silkworm has no master, although it is free, but it can't cooperate with its master to give out more powerful power.

The Bei Mingjie in front of him was another master of Transformation Realm, and he was immediately beheaded by Bei Mingjie. He was divided into two halves and fell to the ground.

The ground made a corrosive sound of "chch..." because of the blood of the golden silkworm.

Bei Mingjie solved the golden silkworm in front of him, and he was also relieved. The golden silkworm whose eyes fell on the ground was full of horror.

He was very fortunate that Mu Yue had not merged with this golden silkworm, otherwise, he would be the one who died.

When thinking of this, Bei Mingjie hated Mu Yue even more.

Just now Mu Yue took advantage of his carelessness to poison his palm, and now he released such a highly lethal golden silkworm, which is even more angry.

Bei Mingjie raised his head and looked at Mu Yue with blood-red eyes full of murderous intent.

Mu Yue also happened to save Mu Haiye's last breath at this time, and she was also slightly relieved.

With a strong killing intent and a cold look in his eyes, Mu Yue quickly turned around, not knowing when there was an extra dagger in his hands.

"You... **** it!" Bei Mingjie was angry, and almost forgot to get the blood marrow grass from Mu Yue's hands for a while. He just wanted to kill Mu Yue in front of him.

Mu Yue was also full of deep hatred for Bei Mingjie, and he almost killed his blood relative San Bo.

Without waiting for Bei Mingjie to take the first shot, Mu Yue jumped up and attacked Bei Mingjie.

"Swiss!" The dagger in his hand was shining with a cold light, and for a while, Bei Mingjie didn't dare to face each other, so he could only dodge and avoid.

However, there is still a gap in cultivation level, and Mu Yue is now seriously injured, more serious than Bei Mingjie's.

Although the cultivation base temporarily forcibly broke through to the transformation realm, the combat effectiveness was even weaker than that of the dark power peak.

Mu Yue's attack was only the suppression of Bei Mingjie for less than a minute. After seeing that her attack was not a powerful attack, she immediately counterattacked.

Bei Mingjie knocked out the dagger in Mu Yue's hand, and a palm fell on Mu Yue's chest.

Mu Yue could feel that one or two ribs on her chest were broken, her body stepped back and fell to the ground.

Bei Mingjie looked at Mu Yue on the ground coldly, "Hand over the bloodsarrow grass!"

Mu Yue, who fell on the ground, did not speak, lying on the ground, biting her lower lip.

"Don't make it?" Bei Ming Jieyin laughed a few times, and walked towards Mu Haiye who was lying on the ground, "If I don't make it, I will kill him!"

Seeing Bei Mingjie's actions, Mu Yue's pupils suddenly shrank. She managed to save Mu Haiye's life. How could he succeed in his actions?

Bei Mingjie clenched his left hand and struck Mu Haiye's chest without mercy.

"No!" Mu Yue screamed suddenly, regardless of his current physical condition, slapped his hands on the ground, and rushed towards Mu Haiye quickly.

At the last moment when Bei Mingjie's punch fell, Mu Yue's body was pressed against Mu Haiye's body.

It was also at this moment, "Boom!" A roar of cars came from afar.

A swift off-road vehicle rushed towards this side.

The person sitting in the driver's seat, seeing the situation here, the dark eyes seemed to be stained red by blood, and the foot slammed on the accelerator, and there was a roar of overloaded cars. sound.


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