Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1619: Brother Xiao's Rescue 1

Bei Mingjie's punch did not land on Mu Haiye's body, but instead landed on Mu Yue's back.

Mu Yue let out a painful scream, as if the bones on her back were crushed by this punch, a mouthful of red blood spurted out of her mouth toward the ground, and her body fell softly to the ground.

In addition to the crisp sound of broken bones, there was also a heart-wrenching cry, "Yue!"

At the last moment of the coma, Mu Yue had only one thought in her mind, "Her Senior Brother Xiao, here comes..."

However, she couldn't control her mind, the world in front of her fell into the darkness and fell on Mu Haiye.

Bei Mingjie also heard the sound of the car and the scream. He raised his head and glanced at the off-road vehicle coming here at extremely high speed, and suddenly knew that the situation was not good.

He quickly grabbed Mu Yue, who had fainted, and rushed towards the car Feng Tong was driving.

"Quickly drive!" Bei Mingjie quickly yelled to Feng Tong.

Feng Tong nodded quickly, started the car, and wanted to drive.

However, the off-road vehicle that Xiao Junyan drove behind had already reached the back of his car before it had driven a hundred meters.

Just now, it was originally to stop Mu Yue and their car, Feng Tong parked the car sideways in the middle of the road.

Seeing the power of Bei Mingjie again, Feng Tong never thought of changing the front of the car, just sitting in the car and watching it, just like when Wang Qiang dealt with Mu Yue before.

This also gave Xiao Junyan a chance to catch up, and also caused trouble for Feng Tong to escape.

The car Xiao Junyan drives is an off-road vehicle, and his driving skills are even better. Only the front and rear tires on one side drove across the road, and the front and rear tires on the other side were simply suspended in mid-air.

Just leaning on the side of the body, it passed Feng Tongkai's car in the middle of the road.

Feng Tong thought that he was driving in the middle of the road, and Xiao Junyan's off-road vehicle would definitely not be able to overtake him.

But he didn't expect that when he encountered the abnormality of Xiao Junyan, he would fly over with such a posture and drove to the front of his car.

Xiao Junyan slammed the brakes again, a smooth spin in the body, and intercepted sideways on the side of the road, doing the same behavior as Feng Tong just now.

When Feng Tong saw this posture, he was so frightened that his whole body was in a cold sweat, and he immediately stepped on his brakes.

He knew that if he drove up like this, he would definitely be killed.

Bei Mingjie also didn't expect that Xiao Junyan's driving skills were so sturdy, it was even better than a TV series.

It was also because he was a master of transformation, so he reacted promptly and quickly grabbed the front seat to prevent his body from flying out.

But Mu Yue was a bit unlucky, and slammed into the seat in front of her, and a mouthful of red blood spurted out of her mouth, and her face was instantly paler than before.

Xiao Junyan got out of his car quickly, before Bei Mingjie could react, his body had already appeared in front of their car, and he had an extra saber shining with the cold light in his hand.

Bei Mingjie looked up and saw Xiao Junyan appearing in front of his car. His pupils suddenly shrank.

He could feel that the person standing in front of him had a very strong cultivation base, and the murderous aura in his body was stronger than the murderous aura in him.

This is definitely not the murderous aura that can be achieved by killing a few hundred people, but thousands, tens of thousands of people.

Facing Xiao Junyan's powerful murderous aura, Bei Mingjie's first reaction was to escape.

Bei Mingjie quickly opened the car door and wanted to escape.

However, how could Xiao Junyan let him escape like this?

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