Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1723: The formation of medicinal restaurants 1

Mu Yue gave all the rough stones he bought to Xiao Junyan, and asked him to find some skilled craftsmen to carve some patterns. Then she needed to put them in the box.

The medicinal restaurant she wants is not only food that allows everyone to recuperate their bodies, but also helps them recuperate their bodies through other methods.

However, this consumption is also very large, such as this jade.

If it were not for gambling on rocks, it is estimated that she would have to spend more money than now.

Those membership cards are also needed for so much money, but they will have to increase their prices in the future. This must also be because they appreciate the benefits of this medicinal restaurant in order to increase the price.

After handling the company's affairs, Mu Yue went to school again after the New Year's Day.

Sitting in his seat, Yuan Xiao turned from the front and asked Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, have you received the Provincial Entrepreneur Annual Meeting?"

Mu Yue was taken aback when she heard Yuan Xiao's words, and looked up at him, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"You received it this year, so let's go together!" Yuan Xiao said with a smile when Mu Yue received the invitation letter.

"Okay!" Mu Yue also nodded.

Although Mu Yue gained some fame last year, it was still not enough for the province to pay attention to, so last year's annual meeting of entrepreneurs did not give her an invitation letter.

This year, Mu Yue's limelight is booming. Whether it is a medicinal restaurant or a dream cosmetics company, or a Longxiang pharmaceutical company, as well as the very prosperous Tianzi drugstore, everyone has a lot of attention.

Therefore, no matter how stupid those people are this year, they have to send this invitation letter to Mu Yue.

"Are you all invited?" Mu Zhitong asked in surprise.

An Ziyun said to Mu Zhitong with some irritation, "Aren't you talking for nothing? Who is Mu Yue, who doesn't know Mu Yue now! Moreover, Mu Yue's company is so prosperous now!"

Mu Zhitong patted her head and said with a grin, "Hey, I just didn't react for a while, but I heard that the companies that were invited have a good face. Now that Mu Yue is invited, it represents Mu Yue. It's amazing too!"

"Don't look at who our Mu Yue is!" An Ziyun patted Mu Yue's shoulder, and she was stunned again.

Mu Yue couldn't laugh or cry as she listened to An Ziyun's bragging words.

"Hey, I really want to go there to see it. At that time, at the annual meeting of entrepreneurs, there will be a group of half-big old men standing with a tender and tender girl like Mu Yue. I don't know what kind of scene it is!" Mu Zhitong said with a look of expectation and fantasy with her hands on her chest.

"Yeah, I really want to go and see! The invited people must be old men and old ladies, but Mu Yue is a little girl who is absolutely outstanding!" Xiang Tianhe patted his thigh, also excited. Said.

An Ziyun winked her eyebrows and said with a grin, "It's estimated that those old men will all be depressed to die!"

"Eh!" Mu Yue listened, couldn't help but flicked his eyes, a little helpless and dumbfounded at his damaging friends.

"Yuan Xiao, I'll give you a task! You will have to take a few photos for us to see, hahaha..." An Ziyun reached out and patted Yuan Xiao on the shoulder, reminding him.

Mu Zhitong nodded in agreement, "Yes!"

Mu Yue felt his head bigger as she listened, and quickly interrupted the fantasies of these guys, pushing them away and persuading, "You have enough, you will have class soon, don't stay here!"

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