Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1724: Formation of Medicinal Food Restaurant 2

On the other hand, when Mu Yue received an invitation from the annual meeting of entrepreneurs at the end of the year, someone felt very angry.

"Chu Muyue, I didn't expect this **** to be invited to participate in the annual meeting of entrepreneurs! How could she have such qualifications!" Qi Rui exclaimed!

He heard this from his father's mouth. He was extremely angry when he heard the news and wanted to go crazy.

However, he couldn't get angry either, he could only get angry after leaving home.

Gao Wenlong, who had been sitting next to him, had a cold light in his eyes, "Chu Muyue is also going to attend the entrepreneurial annual meeting?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could I be so angry now?" Qi Rui said angrily.

To be honest, he wanted to do something to Mu Yue, but his father warned him. If he dared to do something to Mu Yue, he would really be found out. He would not help him. Don’t blame him if he didn’t. Recognize him as this son.

Every time Qi Rui thinks of Qi Changdong's threat, Qi Rui feels extremely frustrated and depressed.

Moreover, there was also the guy Xiao Junyan, and I heard that he had always been by Mu Yue's side, and he would leave every day. Of course, he only left when Mu Yue was in school.

Even if he wanted to make people find Mu Yue's troubles, it was extremely difficult.

"Want to make her foolish?" Gao Wenlong raised his eyebrows and looked at Qi Rui.

Qi Rui snorted coldly, "Of course it is the best to make her embarrassed!"

If possible, it would be for Mu Yue to lose everything, and it would be better if life is better than death.

However, he couldn't do it. Whether it was his abilities at hand or the abilities of the people around him, he couldn't deal with Mu Yue, which made him feel like a punch on the cotton.

Therefore, as long as it can make Mu Yue embarrassed and embarrassed, he thinks it is already very good.

This is also his self-knowledge, unlike that Meng Shao, until the end, he still doesn't know which corner he is in!

"That's not easy, I will make her lose face at the entrepreneurs' annual meeting!" Gao Wenlong gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Hearing Gao Wenlong's words, Qi Rui turned his head and looked at him, wondering if it was because of the anger in his heart or because of the lack of a tendon, but he didn't hear the wrong thing in Gao Wenlong's words.

What Qi Rui naturally didn't know was that Gao Wenlong had already met Mu Yue before, and he was given a severe lesson by Mu Yue, which made him even more embarrassed.

"Yes, you have been invited too, you must teach her severely by then!" Qi Rui heard Gao Wenlong's words, and immediately patted his thigh, and said happily and fiercely.

Thinking that Gao Wenlong was also the invited person, Qi Rui was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Gao Wenlong nodded, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he was already calculating how to deal with Mu Yue when the time came, "Don't worry, I will not let that Chu Muyue get better!"

At this time, Mu Yue, who is studying hard at school, doesn't know yet. Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong are discussing how the annual meeting of entrepreneurs will target her at that time!

However, even if he knew it, Mu Yue wouldn't care at all, and would just say a jumper clown!

Living his own life on his own, during the weekends and holidays, Xiao Junyan came to Jie Mu Yue again, which made Mu Haiye jump with anger. This stinky boy took his job again, which is really disgusting.

Facing the scenes that happen every day at home, Mu Yue was no longer surprised, and directly ignored Mu Haiye's grumbling over there, and chatted with Auntie San.

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