It was not only the middle-aged man standing in the front, but also the Mu brothers and Chi Yan behind Mu Yue.

Chi Yan couldn't help but gulped, grabbed Mu Hongbo beside him, and asked, "Then...that Mu Yue she...she..."

For a while, he didn't know how to describe his current mood and feelings, he only felt that a powerful aura was gone after a pressure on his body.

However, this moment still made him extremely shocked and excited.

"Don't worry, Sister Yue wants to teach this guy, it's just a catch!" Mu Hongbo smiled and comforted Chi Yan.

Although Mu Yue had been seriously injured last time in Linshi, they also knew that Mu Yue's cultivation level had made a breakthrough again, and it was pretty good.

Therefore, even if they faced the middle-aged man in front of them, they didn't think that Mu Yue would suffer.

Mu Yue sneered, put her hands on her chest, touched her smooth chin, and said with a smile, "Of course I am a human, but some people don't know if they will become human, ghost or ghost immediately!"

"You..." The middle-aged man took a few deep breaths, and was shocked and incredulous by the thoughts that flashed in his mind just now, "How old are you! You have such a strong cultivation base!"

"Hehehe, your master didn't tell you!" Mu Yue laughed and hooked his finger at the middle-aged man, "Come on, let me see how powerful you are!"

The middle-aged man clenched his hands into fists and then loosened, loosened and clenched, he could feel it, Mu Yue's cultivation base was to reduce energy, but he only had dark energy. How could he be able to deal with her?

Standing at the back, Gan Yongxin didn't know what was going on, let alone the aura that radiated from Mu Yue's body just now, thinking it was the middle-aged man in front of him.

Therefore, Gan Yongxin was very excited and ordered this middle-aged man, "Hurry...hurry up and knock down this woman, and then move her to the box!"

There is only one in Gan Yongxin's mind at this time, and that is to ask the middle-aged man to move Mu Yue to the box, and then let him do whatever he wants to repay his previous hatred.

Mu Yue glanced coldly at Gan Yongxin and Pang Liren, who was standing behind the middle-aged man, and snorted softly.

"Down? I still don't know who downed whom!" Mu Yue pointed at the middle-aged man and said arrogantly, " can do it if you are a man!"

The middle-aged man frowned, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Mu Yue. Although her cultivation base exudes energization, who is the representative of energization?

The Mu Yue in front of him is only a teenager, how could he be his opponent?

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man felt a little more balanced, so he no longer hesitated to shoot Mu Yue.

But also because of the powerful aura exuding from Mu Yue just now, the middle-aged man didn't have any stay behind, and he didn't have any mercy. He exerted his strength and attacked Mu Yue.

But Mu Yue dodged gently, raising her hand to resist, her hands like spirit snakes, wrapped around the middle-aged man's arms a few times.

Then the palm of the hand clasped the middle-aged man's arm, his arm was pressed hard, and the middle-aged man's huge figure rushed forward subconsciously.

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