The middle-aged man felt his feet staggered and almost fell to the ground. It was also because of his good skills in the bottom plate that he quickly stabilized his figure.

However, even if the middle-aged man stabilized his body, Mu Yue didn't plan to let him go just like that.

I grabbed the hand of the middle-aged man, and pulled him a few steps forward. The middle-aged man couldn't resist, he could only follow Mu Yue's drag.

Pulling the middle-aged man behind him, raised his other hand, the swollen hand hit the middle-aged man's back and shot it down.

There was a dull impact of "touching", and the middle-aged man let out a scream of pain.

The passers-by were originally Mu Yue and others who were standing opposite each other and choking each other. They saw a little girl beat a five-and-three rough man so miserably.

And Gan Yongxin and Pang Liren also showed shock and disbelief.

Originally, they thought that with the skill of a middle-aged man, Mu Yue could be subdued, and then they could do whatever they wanted.

However, unexpectedly, the fact is the opposite.

Instead, Mu Yue subdued the middle-aged man.

Although there is no real uniform yet, the scene before him has proved everything.

Chi Yan also looked at Mu Yue in admiration, and was speechless in admiration.

Mu Yue raised his knee and kicked the middle-aged man's chest again, kicking him backwards and falling to the ground.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to react for a while, and didn't know that he was going to fight back. When he reacted, he had fallen to the ground.

Mu Yue lowered his head and looked down at the middle-aged man whose soup was lying on the ground, watching his confusion turn into shock, and chuckled, "I said, the hapless person still doesn't know who it is!"

"You!" The middle-aged man stared at Mu Yue, his expression unbelievable and unwilling.

How could he be beaten on the ground by a teenage girl?

The middle-aged man roared wildly, jumped up from the ground, and attacked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue fisted against the middle-aged man, raised his foot, and kicked the middle-aged man's arm fiercely, kicking him back a few steps.

Before the middle-aged man could stand firm, Mu Yue ran a step towards him, jumped up, raised his right foot, and kicked his chest fiercely.

The middle-aged man was directly kicked out by Mu Yue's kick and hit the passers-by standing around watching the show.

As soon as those passers-by saw the middle-aged man smashing towards them, they hurriedly avoided to avoid harming the pond fish, and then the middle-aged man was hit on the ground heavily.

Seeing this middle-aged man was kicked by Mu Yue, passers-by cast a look of admiration and horror at Mu Yue.

"Wow, who is this girl! She is so fierce!"

"That's right! He kicked that man away with just one kick!"

"That's amazing! Idol! What an amazing skill, it's just my idol!"

"What happened?"

"Who is this man? Why is it so useless? Can't even deal with a girl? He was kicked!"

Everyone looked at Mu Yue in admiration, some admired, some were curious, and some were depressed.

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