Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1812: Want the rhythm of engagement 4

Mu Haixuan introduced to Mu Yue, "Xiao Yue'er, this is Elder Xiao!"

Mu Yue stepped forward, smiled and greeted Mr. Xiao, "Hello Mr. Xiao!"

When Old Xiao heard this, the smile on his face disappeared, his face was stern, his eyes staring, "What is Old Xiao, it's Grandpa!"

"Old man, Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Junyan's marriage horoscope hasn't been written yet!" Mu Haixuan reminded Old Man Xiao to say.

Elder Xiao is dissatisfied again, "What's wrong? Isn't it possible that you can't scream without a stroke of the eight characters? Don't you already have the engagement tokens of both parties? Do you still want to deny it? Do you look down on my old man!"

" could it happen!" Mu Haixuan faced the respected old man Xiao, in his heart that really didn't dare to resist, he could only secretly curse Xiao Junyan, this stinky boy in his heart.

"That's not right, call it Grandpa!" Grandpa Xiao blew his beard and stared, and said to Mu Yue ordering.

Mu Yue gave Xiao Junyan a shy look. Now that he has been determined to be with him, he should be called, "Grandpa Xiao!"

"Remove the character Xiao!" Old man Xiao still frowned and waved his hand dissatisfiedly.

Mu Yue blushed and retorted, "Grandpa Xiao, I think it's better to call it this way, isn't it better to change it when the time comes?"

Alas, let her change her name to Grandpa Xiao, but she still can't say it!

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue with gentle eyes, turned his head to look at Grandpa Xiao, "Grandpa!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's scream, Grandpa Xiao had no choice but to give up first, "Well, let's call Grandpa Xiao first, and then call me Grandpa when you are engaged to Junyan! At that time, you can't help but scream. ! Otherwise, I...I will let you give birth to me a great-grandson right away!"

Hearing this, Mu Yue's face became even more red. No matter how outstanding she was, she couldn't help being shy when faced with the words of the old man in front of her.

"Girl! I like the gift you gave the old man a few days ago, and I will honor my elders more in the future, you know?" Old man Xiao smashed his mouth, raised his glass, meaning something.

Mu Yue saw Grandpa Xiao’s smiling old face, and smiled clearly, "Grandpa Xiao, don’t worry, this wine is enough. I have some tea here, which is not bad. I will send you when I am free. a little!"

"Well, that's good! Good, that's good! It's the granddaughter-in-law that my old man likes!" Xiao Lao was even more happy when he heard it.

Hearing the happy and harmonious situation here, everyone in the surrounding seats felt a horror in their hearts.

Seeing this situation, the rhythm of the marriage between the Mu family and the Xiao family?

And it's Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan?

Everyone couldn't help but cast different eyes at Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue.

And the people from the Ning family and the Yan family who knew everything in it all smiled, and they all smiled secretly in their hearts. We only know it now, we have already known it!

They had long noticed that Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue were a natural pair.

Now that the elders of both sides are brought together again, can the two people not be together?

In the past, I was worried that Mu Yue would receive a different perspective after marrying, but now with the backing of the Mu family, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan are a strong alliance, and they are right. 1

I'm afraid there is nothing more suitable than the two of them.

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