Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1813: There are not long eyes 1

Elder Xiao is satisfied, and Mu Haixuan also introduces Tang Yalan with Mu Yue.

Tang Yalan kept looking at Mu Yue from the side, and the more pleasing she looked, she was also very satisfied.

"Sister-in-law!" Mu Haixuan called to Tang Yalan.

Tang Yalan smiled and nodded, stood up and looked at Mu Yue tenderly, "You are Mu Yue, right? I've heard Jun Yan talk about you a long time ago, saying that you are good to him, and he has changed a lot! "

Mu Yue was a little nervous in her heart. Although she knew that Tang Yalan had a good impression of herself and did not reject her, she still couldn't help being nervous.

"Auntie, this is what I should do, and Senior Brother Xiao is also very good to me!" Mu Yue said, although she was nervous in her heart, but with a slight smile on her face.

"As long as you think Jun Yan is good, then treat him well, this is my mother's only wish and expectation!" Tang Yalan nodded, exhorting.

Mu Yue nodded, and when she heard Tang Yalan's words, she felt a little relaxed, and she was not as restrained as she was just now. "Auntie, don't worry, I will take good care of Brother Xiao in the future!"

Xiao Junyan's eyes were staring at Mu Yue, his eyes filled with deep love.

Tang Yalan turned her head and said to Xiao Junyan, "Jun Yan, although you are my son, you must take good care of Mu Yue in the future!"

Xiao Junyan turned his head to look at Tang Yalan, got up and walked to Mu Yue's face, "Mom, I will take care of Yue!"

Mu Yue raised her eyes and met Xiao Junyan's hot eyes, and her cheeks suddenly became red again.

When Tang Yalan listened, she became even more happy, with a smile on her face.

And the old man Xiao had a smile on his face, and he was very satisfied with Xiao Junyan's behavior.

Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin were both excited watching Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan standing together, both were extremely excited.

These two people have really come together!

Now not only has the grandfather's approval, but also the mother's affirmation, the marriage of the two is about to be decided.

Mu Haixuan stared at him from the side, and he was anxious in his heart. It really felt like his daughter was snatched away, but he couldn't refuse under this situation. It was really scratching his heart. It's anxious.

This stinky boy is really disgusting, I shouldn't have called him a long time ago.

The guests who pricked their ears around and looked at them were stunned by the scene in front of them. Is this the rhythm of regular engagement?

"Does the Xiao family and the Mu family really want to get married?"

"Looking at this posture, it seems like this!"

"The speed of this Xiao family is really fast!"

All the guests bowed their heads and talked with each other, shocked again by the news they heard before them.

Tang Yalan looked at the appearance of Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue at this time, and the smiles on their faces became more loving and satisfied. She quickly took out a small box and opened it, and handed a jade bracelet inside to Mu Yue, and said, "Auntie too. There is nothing to give you. This is what my mother gave to me when my aunt married Jun Yan and his father. Now, my aunt will give him to you. I hope you can cherish and support each other!"

Mu Yue looked at the jade bracelet in Tang Yalan's hand. It was crystal clear. At first glance, it was often worn, and it also carried popularity. The jade that was nurtured by popularity was more spiritual.

Moreover, I heard that Tang Yalan’s mother passed it on to Tang Yalan, and Tang Yalan now gives it to her again. This is of great significance.

"Auntie, it won't work!" Mu Yue hurriedly declined.

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