Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1817: There are not long eyes 5

Mu Haixuan and Mu Yue were busy toasting, not knowing that Hua Fengjun had left with his son Gan Yongxin.

When I came to Chi Lao's table to toast, Chi Yan complained, "Mu Yue, you are so unkind!"

"Why isn't it kind?" Mu Yue was a little disapproving, instead pretending to look at Chi Yan in a dazed and puzzled manner.

Chi Yan's accusation and grievances on his face, "Say it! We have known each other for so long, you don't tell me who you are!"

Mu Yue blinked and said innocently, "You didn't ask me!"

"I..." Chi Yan opened his mouth, as if, as if, he really hadn't asked in person!

Who made him unable to ask about this matter?

Seeing Chi Yan's slumping appearance, the corners of Mu Yue's lips rose slightly, "Don't you know now? It's not too late!"

Chi Yan was humming his nose, still a little unhappy.

Mu Haixuan snorted coldly, and said to Mu Yue, "A big man, what a kid's temper!"

Hearing this, Chi Yan was speechless, just wanting to hit the dining table with his head.

Old Chi smiled and glanced at his grandson. He was said to be very indifferent to him. Instead, he smiled and looked at Mu Yue and said, "Little girl of the Mu family, I've heard your rumor a long time ago, yes. , Very good, very good!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded gently to Old Chi, "Thank you for the compliment, Old Chi!"

Old Chi let out a hearty laugh, "This is what you should be! Those little girls in my family can't compare to you!"

Chi Yan was even more depressed, and only felt that he was shot while lying down! "grandfather!"

"Isn't it?" Old Chi glared at Chi Yan, and said to Mu Yue with a smile, "Little girl! This wine is really good. Did you brew it yourself?"

Mu Yue looked at the wine glass that Chi Lao was holding, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, it is my medicinal wine brewed with Chinese medicine, which can strengthen the body and prolong life!"

"Oh?" Hearing what Mu Yue said, Old Chi was full of joy, "Can you drink more?"

"Lao Chi, although this is medicinal liquor, you can't drink too much. You can take a moderate amount a day, don't get drunk!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

"That's great!" Old Chi nodded, slightly turned his head closer to Mu Yue, and asked softly, "Then do you have more?"

After taking a sip, his old man was already in love with the taste of this wine, thinking about it, he would like to drink this medicinal wine again in the future!

Hearing Chi Yan's questioning words, Mu Yue chuckled in her heart and nodded, "Well, yes, I can ask Chi Yan to get it from my Senior Brother Xiao, he knows!"

Old Chi's reaction made Mu Yue's heart clear for a while. Who can resist the temptation of this medicinal wine?

"Good, good!" Hearing this, Chi Lao showed a bright smile on his old face, "Is there anything I can find my old man in the future! As long as my old man can do it, he will definitely help you do it." !"

These words made everyone at the table look surprised, and then cast a strange look at Mu Yue.

Everyone knew what Chi Lao's words meant, but he didn't expect that Mu Yue would even fall into the eyes of his old man.

"Then I would like to thank Grandpa Chi!" Mu Yue laughed and said smoothly.

Old Chi was happier when he heard Mu Yue's address to him, and nodded in satisfaction, "Good, good! I'll call me Grandpa Chi from now on, kind!"

Chi Yan, who was sitting on the side, looked straight and muttered in his heart.

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