Mu Haixuan took Mu Yue around and met the guests.

And this time, the banquet is almost over, and the time to go is gone, leaving only some people who are well-connected, or who have not really eaten enough, or who are still going to stay to watch the show.

Mu Haixuan brought Mu Yue back to the chairperson's table and said with concern, "Xiao Yueer, eat something more, I will let the kitchen heat you up! Now the dishes here are cold!"

Mu Yue shook his head and said nonchalantly, "No, Brother Xiao made me a bowl of noodles before, and I am full, and I am not hungry now!"

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, Mu Haixuan scolded Xiao Junyan secretly in his heart.

Although the guy Xiao Junyan did very well, he robbed his job, robbed the job he didn't expect.

How could this brat take care of Xiaoyue more than him!

Xiao Junyan saw that Mu Yue had finished the toast, got up from his seat and came to her, "It's over?"

Mu Yue raised her head and nodded slightly to meet Xiao Junyan's caring eyes, "Well, it's over!"

"Smelly boy, what are you doing here, go with your grandpa!" Mu Haixuan stared at Xiao Junyan who suddenly came out dissatisfied.

When Mu Yue heard Mu Haixuan making trouble, she pressed her temple, "Dad, you haven't eaten much yet, you have to eat first, I will go see my friend first!"

Without waiting for Mu Haixuan to say anything, Mu Yue got up and grabbed Xiao Junyan's arm to find Yuan Xiao and the others.

Mu Haixuan wanted to stop Mu Yue, but it was too late, and he muttered, "It's really a big deal! Damn it! Damn, **** **** stinky boy! Xiao Junyan, you give me, I won't just let it go. your!"

"Who won't you let it go?" Mu Haixu walked over and asked Mu Haixuan puzzledly.

Mu Haixuan glanced at Mu Haixu, snorted coldly, turned towards Xiao Junyan's back, and said, "That stinky kid!"

"Oh!" Mu Haixu took a look and nodded, "The banquet is almost over, the second brother will send the old man home first, let's clean up here!"

Mu Haixuan sat down and started to eat, "Well, I'll eat something first!"

After leaving the seat, Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Brother Xiao, didn't you accompany your grandfather and the others back?"

"Well, grandpa asked me to stay and help!" Xiao Junyan nodded and said.

In fact, there were a lot of things to say later, but he didn't like to say anything because of his personality.

Tang Yalan even asked Xiao Junyan to apologize for the second room of the Xiao family. Don't let Mu Yue care. After returning home, she will definitely teach Xiao Kexin a lesson.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong!" Mu Yue smiled and raised his bright wrist, "Just, do you want to take this jade bracelet back? It feels a little uncomfortable, I'm afraid it will be broken!"

Xiao Junyan grabbed Mu Yue's wrist and pressed her down, "It's okay, it's yours for you!"

Mu Yue touched the jade bracelet on her wrist, "Then I put it away, I can't break her, my aunt gave me such a good jade bracelet. It seems that I have to carve a talisman for my aunt and the others after I return. , Give them back!"

"It's okay, no, you keep it!" Xiao Junyan shook his head and said softly.

"It's a must!" Mu Yue explained softly with a blush on her cheeks, "This is a gift that my daughter-in-law should give!"

Xiao Junyan pursed his lips and did not refuse any more. His eyes were full of pampering and affection. He was satisfied with this reason and nodded, "Okay!"

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