The day before New Year's Eve was busy, and the people of Mu's family had accomplished a great thing.

Mu Yue's identity was finally known to everyone, letting them know that Mu Yue had returned to the Mu family.

From then on, Chu Muyue was Mu Yue, not an orphan without a father or mother, but a little princess of the Mu family.

After the banquet was over, everyone who left with each other sighed with each other.

"Hey, this is really big news!"

"Who said no!"

"I didn't think about the Golden Island, that Chu Muyue is the little princess of the Mu family!"

"Hey, I also said Chu Muyue, no, it should be Mu Yue, Mu Haixuan's wife, hahaha, now when I think of the content in the newspaper, I want to laugh!"

"I really don't know who the person who sent the news is, it's amazing! Can't you wait a few more days?"

"Who would say no, as long as you wait two more days, you will know that this is a joke, now it is estimated that the person who released the news will have to vomit old blood!"

"But, this Mu family is getting different!"

"Yes, that Mu Yue is not a simple character. It seems that the capital will be very lively in the future!"

"That girl is not easy, it's better to be less provoked in the future!"

Everyone had different opinions on Mu Yue's return, and their thoughts were also different.

Mu Yue didn't care about the rumors outside. She went to the hotel where Chu Zhiming was staying and wanted him to stay with him, spend the New Year with the relatives she found, and have a New Year's Eve dinner tomorrow.

"Dad, you have a New Year's Eve dinner with us tomorrow, I can be considered a real reunion!" Mu Yue said to Chu Zhiming with a smile.

Chu Zhiming shook his head, patted the back of Mu Yue's hand, and said, "I'm still not going. This is your family's New Year's Eve dinner. I am an outsider and I still don't want to go!"

"Dad, how do you count as an outsider? You are my dad. If it weren't for you, I would have died!" Mu Yue looked at Chu Zhiming firmly and said, "Dad, you should come home with me! "

"No, I have already agreed with Anqing, Qiu Moge, and a few of us to have New Year's Eve dinner together!" Chu Zhiming shook his head, once again refused Mu Yue's invitation, and said his own reasons.

Hearing what Chu Zhiming said, Mu Yue nodded, raised his head and glanced at Chu Zhiming, then suddenly hey and blinked.

When Chu Zhiming saw Mu Yue's appearance, he was a little puzzled, and touched his face, "What's the matter?"

Mu Yue looked at Chu Zhiming's face, very surprised.

Why didn't she find out that Chu Zhiming and Aunt An are married? Why didn't I see it before?

I thought that I hadn't seen Chu Zhiming for a long time, and even every time I saw him, I never looked at Chu Zhiming's face carefully.

Now I look at Chu Zhiming's face, but suddenly I find that Chu Zhiming and An Qing actually have a husband and wife relationship.

Thinking of Chu Zhiming and An Qing, Mu Yue couldn't help but feel joyful.

Chu Zhiming and An Qing are both lonely people. The age difference between the two of them is actually not a few years old. Now, the two of them look good to each other and have fate. Then, she can bring the two of them together. .

In this way, she can also relieve a knot.

Originally, she was still thinking, when it was empty, she would find a wife for Chu Zhiming so that he could live a happy life!

But I didn't expect that Chu Zhiming and An Qing would actually have a husband and wife.

Since the two of them have a husband and wife, then she will not disturb the two of them to develop their relationship, she also chooses to order.

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