It is rare for Mu Yue to cook a table full of dishes that she really did all by her hands. The aroma is tangy, and the whole warm compound is filled with the scent of the dishes, making people smell it, and you can't help but drool.

"Come on, the last bowl of soup!" Mu Haiwei came up with a casserole in both hands and placed it on the dining table.

The large table full of dishes, the color, fragrance, and taste are so delicious that people can move their index fingers when they look at it.

"Oh, today's table is the one that my old man is most satisfied with!" The big smile on his face was full of excitement and joy in his tone.

Mu Wenyuan smiled and jokingly said to Mr. Mu, "Of course, this is the dish your precious granddaughter made for you!"

"En En En En!" Elder Mu nodded and poured himself a glass of wine, which was also Mu Yue's medicinal liquor.

Now Mr. Mu doesn't like to drink any other brands of wine, he only likes to drink medicinal wine brewed by Mu Yue.

"Xiao Yue'er, come, you have been busy for a long time too, first sit down and take a good rest!" Mu Haixu said to Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue took off her apron, hung it behind the door, walked over, with a smile on her face, "It's been a long time since I had cooked so many dishes. If it weren't for your help, I might be too late. !"

"It's not easy for you to do so much by yourself!" Mu Haiye said with a smile.

The eldest aunt also praised lovingly, "Yeah! You girl is good at craftsmanship, and the speed is so fast! The aunts of us can't even beat you in speed!"

"I have also practiced my skills, so the speed can be so fast!" Mu Yue blinked and explained with a smile, "However, it is a rare meal for me to do this. If I often do it, I will still I really can't stand it!"

"It's only once a year, haha...that's okay!" Father Mu suddenly said with a smile on his old face.

Mu Yuqing also smiled and agreed and said, "This is not bad, I will give you Xiaoyue'er for the New Year's Eve dinner!"

Mu Yue suddenly showed a helpless expression, "Well, it seems that I really can't refuse!"

Mu Haiye laughed and said, "It's okay, everyone will help you, you only need to cook those dishes!"

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Well, naturally everyone's help is indispensable!"

"Come here!" Mu Haihua smiled and picked up the tea cup in his hand, stood up and said, "Let's have a toast! Celebrate Xiaoyue's first year at home for New Year's Eve dinner!"

As Mu Haihua's voice fell, everyone stood up, picked up the wine glasses in their hands, and said, "Come on!"

"Welcome Xiaoyue home!"

"Welcome sister Yue home!"

Everyone was angrily tossing Mu Yue's wine glasses, with bright smiles on their faces.

"Thank you everyone!" Mu Yue's lips rose slightly, revealing a brilliant smile, and her eyes were flashing like elites.

Everyone drank the glass in their hands.

Mr. Mu was the first to pick up the chopsticks and greeted everyone, "Don't patronize drinking, eating and eating. This is the fruit of Xiao Yue'er's busy work for a long time. If you don't finish eating, you can't go back!"

"Yes, yes... Eat food, eat food!"

The atmosphere of the Mu family is very lively, but the atmosphere of the Xiao family is somewhat different.

Both Mrs. Xiao Er and Xiao Kexin lowered their heads and dared not say a word, but their eyes were filled with strong resentment and unwillingness.

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