Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1823: Mu Yue's counterattack 1

Seeing Xiao Kexin unexpectedly went to the kitchen to help wash the vegetables without saying a few words, which surprised Xiao Fengyi.

Du Xueqin shook her head and said with a smile, "I was scolded by my grandpa yesterday, so I behaved today!"

After Mu Yue's banquet came back yesterday, Elder Xiao gave the second wife of the Xiao family and Xiao Kexin a curse and shameless lesson. He did not give Madam Xiao a little bit of face and taught her in front of the younger generation.

Xiao Kexin was also scolded by Elder Xiao and almost couldn't lift her head. She could only cry silently with her head down. In the end, Elder Xiao stopped scolding and just found an excuse to leave.

As for whether Xiao Kexin cried dimly again when he went back, Du Xueqin didn't know, but when he saw Xiao Kexin coming today, his eyes were still a little red and swollen, and he was very proud of it.

"Cut, deserve it!" Xiao Fengyi rolled her eyes and said with her lips curled, "I don't think she is worthy of her status, hehe, now Mu Yue is turning over. It is the little princess of the Mu family they are going to climb. I don't know if she will be able to You can't raise your head in front of Mu Yue!"

Du Xueqin covered her mouth and smiled triumphantly, "That's right, now I think of how arrogant she was when she arrogantly told her cousin about her cousin and her cousin! She said that the two of them are about to be married. I guess my cousin didn’t even know that she had such a thing!"

"This means that you cannot live by committing sins!" Xiao Fengyi said mockingly, gloating.

To even look down on the woman her brother is fond of, this is the end.

Now I know how shameful I was, how arrogant I was, I just slapped my face back yesterday.

Xiao Fengyi sat next to Xiao Junyan with an excited smile on his face, "Little brother, the day after tomorrow is Valentine's Day, how are you going to spend it?"

"Yes, yes! Cousin, are you looking for your future cousin?" Du Xueqin also looked at Xiao Junyan curiously while eating oranges.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin faintly, bowed his head and peeled the melon seeds in front of him, without saying a word.

"What do you mean, boy!" Seeing Xiao Junyan's reaction, Xiao Fengyi patted him on the back with dissatisfaction, then turned to grandpa and said, "Grandpa, look at this stinky brat, it's not good to accompany you in the future. Granddaughter-in-law, this is going to be taken away!"

"That's right! I have heard many of my friends say that many people want to chase after my cousin in the future!" Du Xueqin also nodded and said nervously.

Hearing Du Xueqin's words, Xiao Junyan raised his head slightly, a chill radiated from his body.

As an older sister, Xiao Fengyi has long been immune to the coldness in Xiao Junyan's body, and said without a good lesson, "What kind of coldness! There is no way to change their determination!"

"Yue is mine!" Xiao Junyan spit out four words in a cold voice, his eyes flashed with cold light.

Whoever robs him, he will trouble him!

Elder Xiao smiled and drank the tea in front of him, which Xiao Junyan took from Mu Yue's hand yesterday.

He said that Mu Yue had prepared this tea for him and let him drink it.

After Grandpa Xiao made a cup, he felt that the tea was the same as medicinal wine. This made his old man very satisfied, and he drank the tea in front of him very thinly.

"This is correct, but..." Du Xueqin said with a bulging mouth and disapproving. "During the banquet, many people could see that the second aunt and his family were very dissatisfied with the cousin, and they were also very dissatisfied with the cousin. There are all kinds of scoldings about my sister-in-law. Everyone thinks that our Xiao family does not intend to let cousin and cousin together!"

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