Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1824: Mu Yue's Counterattack 2

Du Xueqin deliberately pushed Mrs. Xiao Er and Xiao Kexin out, and took a look at Old Man Xiao, saying that it was so natural.

Moreover, the fact is also true. Although Mr. Xiao and the others are quite satisfied with Mu Yue, they can also see how much the Mu family cares about Mu Yue.

The second wife of the Xiao family's attitude towards Mu Yue is really bad, so the Mu family would not want Mu Yue to marry to the Xiao family to suffer, so they think they still have some opportunities.

When Mr. Xiao heard what Du Xueqin said, he frowned, his expression slightly dissatisfied.

He was not dissatisfied with what Du Xueqin said, but dissatisfied with the second wife of the Xiao family and Xiao Kexin.

Regarding this matter, he also heard Du Xueqin and Xiao Fengyi talk about it after coming back yesterday.

After he listened, he was extremely angry. He didn't expect that the mother and daughter would say those words in that situation, and it would be a shame for their Xiao family.

"Yue is mine!" Xiao Junyan only uttered four words, but these four words were more powerful and full of domineering than the words just said.

Grandpa Xiao glanced at Xiao Junyan, whose whole body was exuding a strong aura, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded gently, "Junyan, grandpa gives you a task. If you don't marry Mu Yue, that girl , You don't come back!"

Upon hearing what Elder Xiao said, both Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin showed a look of surprise and horror.

"Grandpa, if you don't marry back, you really don't want your cousin!" Du Xueqin asked with some curiosity.

Elder Xiao snorted coldly, and looked at Xiao Junyan dissatisfiedly, "Even a woman can't settle it! Such a grandson, the old man feels ashamed!"

My grandson is good at everything, but this character is so dissatisfactory that he can't even find a girlfriend. It would be nice if those girlfriends were not scared away by him.

It's rare to meet a girl that Xiao Junyan likes, and his father also likes, he can't just let go.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Elder Xiao, and said faintly, "I will marry Yue!"

"Puff!" At that moment, all the tea in Xiao Fengyi's mouth was sprayed out, and Du Xueqin was almost choked by her saliva.

"Cousin...what did you just say?" Du Xueqin stared at Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan's eyes seemed to flash with determination, "I am Yue's, I am married to Yue!"

Listening to these eight words, Xiao Fengyi didn't know what to say, but she also gave a thumbs up with her fingers.

Elder Xiao was surprised at what Xiao Junyan said in his heart, but he was also very happy that this stinky boy could use his brains, but he gave a cold snort with a look of disgust and contempt, "You marry? Other Mu Yue doesn't want it yet. Or just marry, the man who marries, the girl doesn't like it!"

Du Xueqin raised her hand and raised two thumbs up, admiring Mr. Xiao very much.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Elder Xiao and stood up.

Xiao Fengyi saw Xiao Junyan stand up, and hurriedly shouted, "Where are you going? It's going to be dinner!"

"Go upstairs!" Xiao Junyan left only two words, and went upstairs to his room.

Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin looked at each other, and both held their stomachs and laughed, and fell on the sofa.

Elder Xiao had a satisfied smile on his old face, humming an unknown song, and happily drinking tea from Mu Yue, "This tea is really good, this girl is really good!"

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