Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1825: Mu Yue's counterattack 3

Mu Yue is very kind and gave the Hua family a good year.

After the Chinese New Year, Ye Tianming's phone call hit her mobile phone.

Mu Yue was sitting cross-legged in the room cultivating at this time, the phone rang, and when he turned on the phone, it was Ye Tianming's phone, and a clear smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She knew what this guy called her for.

"Hey, it's early!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Ye Tianming on the other side of the phone.

Ye Tianming laughed haha ​​and said happily, "Hey, tell you a happy new year!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and also said, "Well, happy new year!"

"Little Junior Sister, when are you going to do something to the Hua Family?" Ye Tianming asked Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue tapped her fingers gently on her knees, and the corners of her lips rose slightly, "Of course it is today. I have been very kind and have given them a good year!"

"Yes, yes!" Ye Tianming nodded approvingly. They also had a good year!

Think about when Mu Yue's identity was announced, there was a lot of excitement outside, especially the news reporters, all of them were crazy, constantly investigating all kinds of information.

Anyway, in addition to major national events, it was Mu Yue and Mu's affairs.

What happened more than ten or two decades ago can be reported by the reporters. The Mu family and the Hua family back then, as well as the Nangong Yuehua time, were all dug up.

However, no matter how much they dig, they find that they can't dig out the news of Mu Yue's mother Nangong Yuehua. It is too mysterious, as if it suddenly appeared.

Mu Yue had heard the sensation outside more or less, but she didn't really care about it either. This was something she had expected.

"The little sister, when will you do it over there?" Ye Tianming asked curiously.

Mu Yue smiled and said remindingly, "My second uncle will mention it today. When that happens, you will be prepared and support you!"

"Okay!" Ye Tianming nodded, and a glint flashed through his eyes, "Hey, I'm looking forward to the Hua family's luck!"

"This is something sooner or later, who made them too arrogant!" Mu Yue snorted coldly and said mockingly.

She also knows that it was the Mu family who was sorry for the Hua family before, and it was their unilateral regret marriage that made Hua Fengjun embarrassed.

But because of this, they always troubled their Mu's family and made them suffer heavy losses. This is already made up for.

However, the Hua family still refuses to forgive, so they can't be blamed for fighting back.

No one can control this emotional matter. Since two people have no feelings, then forget it, why are they still biting so hard.

Therefore, even if it was their fault in this regard, they had been compensated for so many years. She would not let the Mu family be bullied by the Hua family!

"That's right, this Gan Yongxin dare to trouble the younger sister. Fortunately, that person is your father. If it is another man, the boss will have to kill like crazy!" Ye Tianming laughed and joked.

Mu Yue couldn't help but raise her lips slightly. In fact, what Ye Tianming didn't know was that Xiao Junyan had complained to her a long time ago.

Even the father can't kiss her casually, and threaten her so that he can't kiss again in the future, he can only kiss him alone!

Thinking of Xiao Junyan's iceberg, she was jealous because of such little things, and even more so overbearing, she was a little bit dumbfounded.

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