Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1843: Sub-factory 2 in Beijing

Mu Haiye glared at these excited stinky boys, and reminded him, "Don't tell this matter, you guys, don't tell me, you know?"

If you let the Gan family and the Hua family know about it, you might be even more angry.

"Know!" Mu Yutao and others nodded again and again, knowing the seriousness of the matter.

Looking at the sales volume, Mu Yue said lightly, "It seems that the expansion of the branch factory will speed up!"

Mu Haiye nodded in agreement, "Well! Indeed, I believe that after a while, the things in Tianzi Drugstore can definitely be what everyone wants to buy!"

The content of the newspaper, those reporters really spare no effort to flatter.

Originally, these reporters also learned some news from other reporters, especially those friends who were reporters in Jiangnan Province, Linshi.

I heard that the things in the Tianzi Drugstore are very good. They have used them for themselves and their relatives and friends, and they are really good.

The reporters from Jiangnan Province recommended them to try it. After trying it personally, they knew if it was really as rumored.

Especially those women who were curious to go to the Tianzi drugstore to buy them. After a few days of using them one by one, they had good results. This was a surprise to the reporters.

Sure enough, after using it, it is really as rumored. Since the effect is good, they must also tout it and tell the general public about the effect of their use.

The herd mentality made the people buy it. After they used it, they recommended each other and recommended it to relatives and friends. It's hard to get a bad business.

Once the business was good, the supply of this product was in short supply, which caused Mu Yue a headache.

Mu Haiye asked Mu Yue with concern, "Xiao Yue, do you have anything you want?"

Mu Yue nodded lightly and said, "Well, I have a few places to refer to, but I don't know what the road route of the country will be in the future!"

Mu Wenhao said with a smile, "My dad asked me to develop the road route for you, should you ask my dad for it?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, took the map from Mu Wenhao's hand and spread it on the coffee table.

Everyone looked at the road that was about to open, and it all depended on Mu Yue's choice.

Mu Yue lightly nodded the coffee table with her finger, glanced at it, and nodded gently, "Well, it's here!"

"Here?" Mu Haiye and the others looked in the direction pointed by Mu Yue, and checked other maps.

Mu Haiye looked at it, but frowned and said, "Xiao Yue'er, is it too far here? Now it will take us an hour or two to drive from here to there! Even if we open the road in the future, we will soon It also takes an hour!"

The area that Mu Yue chose was already on the outskirts of the capital, leaning toward the expressway.

"San Bo, I know that this place is a bit far from the city center, but this place is not only to supply the capital, but also the surrounding cities. You see, these roads to be built will also lead to other cities. It is very convenient, especially for this area, and there is also a piece of shipping! If possible, I hope that the future factory can also sell part of it abroad!" Mu Yue explained his goals and plans to Mu Haiye.

The purpose of setting up the branch factory here is not only the capital, but also the surrounding provinces and cities, but also overseas.

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