Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1844: Sub-factory 3 in Beijing

"Sister Yue, isn't your ambition a bit too big?" Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, Mu Yutao looked up and looked at Mu Yue in surprise and admiration.

Mu Yifeng nodded in agreement, "Yes! You already thought about going abroad!"

Mu Yue shrugged and said, "If I don't want to let the products I produce go abroad, why do I produce them? My goal is not only at home, but also abroad!"

Mu Haiye smiled and nodded, patted her shoulder, her eyes were full of admiration, "Well! Very good, only if you have ambitions can you develop the company."

Mu Yue touched her nose and said, "It's okay, and the land in this area is also cheaper. The land in the capital is too expensive. We can still save a little bit!"

"Indeed!" Mu Yutao nodded in agreement, "However, I think this area is also very large! Are you building Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company and Dream Cosmetics together?"

Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "Well! Of course, together, so I can build another residential community for migrant workers. Like Lin City, the surrounding villagers can also work in the company. The preferential conditions are similar to Lin City! "

"That's fine too!" Mu Haiye nodded, and he had also seen the development situation in Linshi.

Mu Haiye didn't expect that Mu Yue's plan would be really successful, and it was so successful.

Because of Mu Yue's relationship, that area has already begun to develop into an industrial zone, which really has to make Mu Haiye admire her.

After all, it originally belonged to the outskirts of Lin City, and Mu Yue chose that place because of the cheap land.

"The development model of your forest city can also allow you to choose the same area as the forest city. Then I think that area can also be turned into an industrial area by then!" Mu Haiye couldn't help it. Laughed heartily.

He is looking forward to it. If Mu Yue is really successful, it will definitely be a great thing!

"San Bo, Bi is too exaggerated!" Mu Yue suddenly felt ashamed, and said helplessly, "The area I chose is also just in time for Lin City to develop that area into an industrial area!"

If it weren't for the memory of the previous life, she would not choose that area, it was originally an industrial zone, but she just made a start.

But here in the capital is different.

She doesn't have much memory of the capital, especially these industrial areas, so she can only rely on her own plans and ideas.

But Mu Yifeng blinked at Mu Yue and said jokingly, "Nothing is impossible!"

Mu Yue lowered his head and said with a smile, "Since it has been decided, I will take advantage of this period of time to be still in the capital, and look around!"

This thing really can't be delayed, and it must be completed as soon as possible. Many bosses in the commercial building now want to let Mu Yue's Tianzi cosmeceutical store settle in, but her production volume must keep up.

"When are you going?" Mu Haiye asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue thought for a while and said, "Well, Brother Qin is still in Linshi, I will call him over tomorrow, and I will go with him!"

Qin Shaoyang still had to buy the land, so she needed to wait until Qin Shaoyang came, so that she could negotiate with Qin Shaoyang better.

Mu Haiye nodded, "Okay, I'll go too then!"

The branch factory in the capital was decided at this moment.

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