"I don't listen to your explanation! I only care about what's in front of you!" Mu Yue's eyes fell on the Chinese medicinal materials placed in the hall.

He Quan smashed his mouth, he really didn't know what to say for a while.

"Although I don't use this kind of medicinal material to treat illnesses and save people, I need this kind of medicinal material and everyone needs to eat it. I have to let them pass 100% of the things that I eat in my stomach!" Mu Yue said coldly. Looking at He Quan, there is also a strong momentum on his body, "I don't care what you think, you must give me an explanation about this matter, if you don't give it, yes, I want to suspend the cooperation with your company!"

He Quan hurriedly said guiltily, "Mu Dong, the medicinal materials we gave you have been selected by thousands of people. As for why the medicinal materials we sent have become like this, I will definitely investigate it. Please Mu Dong can Give me some time 1"

"Some time?" Mu Yue laughed suddenly and looked at He Quan mockingly, "How much time do you need? The raw materials of my Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company and Dream Cosmetics Company are these Chinese medicinal materials. Over time, do I still need to prescribe it? The company? Who will pay for the losses?"

"Mu Dong, please rest assured, I will find out the reason in the shortest time and give you an explanation to Mu Dong!" He Quan can only say such a word, and he doesn't know what to say.

Whether it was Mu Yue who didn't have the Mu family before, or Mu Yue who now has the Mu family as a backer, he can't offend him.

This happened, this is how He Quan did not expect it to happen.

Mu Yue glanced at He Quan's face faintly again, and the corners of her lips rose slightly in a shallow arc.

She just gave him a little deterrence just now, who told them to stop her from getting better!

"You'd better go and check your subordinates, are there any opportunistic tricks?" Mu Yue kindly reminded him.

Because her company also needs medicinal materials, she doesn't have time to waste time with them. Mu Yue is not willing to bear the lost money for wasting a day.

He Quan was stunned when he heard Mu Yue's words, a touch of puzzlement flashed across his face, and then he quickly understood.

He Quan also seemed to know where the error occurred, and quickly said to Mu Yue, "Mu Dong, I will investigate it right away, and I will definitely give you an explanation!"

Thinking that I might have been sold by my own subordinates, and that there were traitors who were stealing from his subordinates, I was so angry in my heart!

The guess in He Quan's mind is that his subordinates hold the good selling money in them, and they make a little money from it.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in their kind of industry, but this time the thing is too big and it makes him angry.

This person who didn't make up his mind, even came up with Mu Yue's idea of ​​those medicinal materials.

If he doesn't handle it well, I'm afraid his seat will be gone, or maybe he will have to go to jail.

Seeing He Quan leaving, Ling Hong sat on the sofa and looked at Mu Yue puzzledly, "Mu Dong, what did you mean by that?"

Mu Yue took a sip of tea and said lightly, "This matter may not have anything to do with their tops, it may be the people below. For such a little benefit, they have changed those good ones!"

Ling Hong listened, nodded clearly, and then said angrily, "Catch them, we must send them to prison!"

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