Qiu Moge and An Qing came to the medicated restaurant and met Mu Yue, "Mu Dong!"

Mu Yue nodded, "You are here, how are things going on over there?"

"It has been processed. I asked the workers to disassemble all the medicinal materials for inspection. Almost three-quarters of them are fake and bad drugs!" Qiu Moge sighed helplessly and said.

An Qing also nodded and said, "Yes, mine is the same, and a batch of mine has been sent to the production workshop, and almost started production!"

Mu Yue frowned slightly, "How many days can I hold on now?"

"I can't support it for two days!" An Qing said with a serious expression.

Mu Yue raised her hand and pressed her temple, and said, "Well, Auntie An, you can ask me to take out the medicinal materials that are not mixed. Use those medicinal materials first. You should be able to hold on!"

"I have asked the people below to do it!" An Qing nodded and said.

"Mu Dong, this kind of thing can't happen again, if you didn't find the problem with these medicinal materials first, we don't know!" Qiu Moge reminded Mu Yue and said.

Mu Yue nodded, "Well, I know, this also gave us a wake-up call."

"Mu Dong, how to deal with this matter? Do I need to find another medicinal material supplier first?" An Qing asked Mu Yue with concern.

"You should prepare first, but don't contact them yet, wait for my order!" Mu Yue shook his head.

Qiu Moge clenched his fist angrily and said, "This matter, we must let them give us a satisfactory answer!"

Mu Yue nodded, "This is necessary, but we must also consider the future of Chinese herbal medicines!"

Qiu Moge looked at Mu Yue with bright eyes, "Mu Dong, do you mean to open a Chinese medicinal planting base?"

Mu Yue cast a satisfied look at Qiu Moge and nodded, "Well, I have such a plan. Whether it is my pharmaceutical company, a cosmetics company, or even a medicinal restaurant, Chinese herbal medicines are inseparable, only us. Owning a planting base for Chinese medicinal materials and providing Chinese medicinal materials can not only reduce costs, but also ensure quality!"

"Pop!" Qiu Moge hit the palm of his left hand with his right hand, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I feel so too!"

"It seems that we have thought of a piece!" Mu Yue laughed, and then sighed softly, "I have never had time, and there are a lot of things, and I don't have other energy to deal with this matter, but , This incident has also prompted me to advance this matter no matter how busy I am!"

I had already planned to create a Chinese medicinal material base by myself. However, both the Dream Cosmetics Company and Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company have just gotten on the right track, and they have been busy with home affairs before, and she has been hospitalized. For a few months, there was really no time to get this Chinese medicinal planting base.

"Mu Dong, should you leave this to me?" Qiu Moge volunteered.

Mu Yue shook his head gently, looking at Qiu Moge and asking, "How much do you know about Chinese medicine? How much do you know about the growth environment of Chinese medicine? Are you sure you can find a place suitable for the growth of Chinese medicine?"

Asked by Mu Yue this way, Qiu Moge seemed to be a ball that was relieved of his anger. After losing his momentum, he said weakly, "I...I don't understand!"

Now, Qiu Moge is still very depressed and regretful, and he doesn't even understand this.

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