Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1861: The small one is more powerful 1

Although Mu Yue had the intention to establish a planting base for Chinese medicinal materials, this planting base for Chinese medicinal materials is not something that can be planted once it is opened.

In other words, it will take half a year at the earliest to have the first batch of Chinese herbal medicines.

Therefore, the most important thing in front of us is to have the Chinese medicinal materials to maintain the normal production of their company.

If you can continue to cooperate or continue to cooperate, if you cannot continue to cooperate, then you can only terminate the contract and find another company to cooperate.

Mu Yue also went to Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company and Dream Cosmetics Company, and went around the warehouse to check how many bad Chinese medicinal materials there were.

Seeing that the Chinese medicinal materials piled up in the warehouse were all bad, it made Mu Yue's heart a little uncontrollable anger.

These people are really hateful, and she will never let them go.

The problem of Chinese herbal medicines also reached the ears of company boss Dai Zongguang.

When Dai Zongguang heard the news, he was shocked. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

After learning about it, he hurried over from the field and met with Mu Yue.

At this time, Mu Yue was at Longdun Security Company, "investigating He Quan's subordinates, especially their recent economic situation!"

The people who received the order started moving.

Through her face, she could see that he had committed a villain recently, so it should be that he has no problem, but his subordinates have problems.

Qiu Moge put down his phone and said to Mu Yue, "Mu Dong, Dai Zongguang, the general manager of the Chinese herbal medicine company, is here!"

Mu Yue heard Dai Zongguang's arrival without any surprises, and also met with him, "Well, I know, then go meet, I want to listen, what they say!"

Although she knew that it was He Quan's problem, she wouldn't name it directly.

It's not easy to explain if you say it directly, and the most important thing is to teach them a lesson, and you must never give them such inferior things to their company in the future.

"Mr. Dai!" Mu Yue saw Dai Zongguang already sitting in the reception room and walked in.

Dai Zongguang got up, looked at Mu Yue, and said, "Mr. Mu!"

At the first glance when he saw Mu Yue, he was just as amazed as He Quan, but compared to He Quan, his concentration was better.

Mu Yue first met Dai Zongguang's face, took a close look at his round face, and nodded, "Dai Zongguang, please sit down!"

Dai Zongguang didn't care that Mu Yue looked at him, but said straightforwardly, "Mr. Mu, I'm here this time for the question of Chinese herbal medicines!"

Mu Yue retracted his gaze on Dai Zongguang's face, nodded, and asked with a sneer, "Well, I don't know what explanation Dai Zongguang can you give me?"

"Mu Dong, I am shocked by this happening!" Dai Zongguang looked serious, as if he did not believe that such things would happen in his company.

However, he still knew the background behind Mu Yue, so even if he dared to have such thoughts on other small companies, he would not dare to do anything with the medicinal materials of Mu Yue's company.

A little carelessness, then not only Mu Yue, but also the Mu family behind her was offended.

Mu Yue leaned back slightly, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Zong Dai means that all the Chinese medicinal materials our company got are good? Did we go in for a vacation? Did you specifically trouble you? "

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