Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1862: The small one is more powerful 2

Mu Yue's words caused an awkward smile on Dai Zongguang's face.

To be honest, in his heart, there are really some people who can't believe that Mu Yue would do such a thing.

And he also firmly believed that people on his side would never do anything like this to Mu Yue's affairs.

However, if it is impossible to do such a thing on both sides, then it is difficult to determine who the cause is.

Dai Zongguang didn’t answer Mu Yue’s words directly, but said firmly, “Mu Dong, I don’t know why there are fake and bad medicines in your Chinese medicinal materials, but I definitely don’t dare to put those things into yours. Inside the medicinal materials!"

Mu Yue glanced at Dai Zongguang. Indeed, at first glance, this guy's face was bullying and fearful of hardship.

From the face of this guy, it should be that she would never do such things to her company, and other companies or hospitals that cooperate with him are hard to say.

If he doesn't do this kind of thing, she might remind the other person, but since he is the kind of cunning mind who is in the eyes of money, then she can only teach him a severe lesson.

She would never let go of such things as fake drugs.

"Ha!" Mu Yue laughed, "It seems that Mr. Dai still means that. Then, our contract with your company can only be suspended!"

When Dai Zongguang heard Mu Yue's words, he subconsciously stunned, "The contract is terminated? Mu Dong, you are in breach of contract!"

"Breach of contract?" Mu Yue's icy eyes fell on Dai Zongguang, and said mockingly, "This happened, is this our company's fault?"

Dai Zongguang seemed not to care about Mu Yue at all, and said mockingly, "Who knows if your company stuffed those things into those Chinese medicinal materials!"

"Very good!" Mu Yue clapped his hands, stood up, glanced at Dai Zongguang faintly, and said to Qiu Moge, "Mr. Qiu, since Mr. Dai needs us to pay liquidated damages, we will give it, but for this piece I call the police and let the police handle this matter. I believe they will be able to give me a good answer. By the way, I will also contact relevant departments such as the Administration of Industry and Commerce and the Food and Drug Administration to ask them to check whether it is us. The company’s problem is still another company’s problem!"

Qiu Moge also nodded in cooperation, "Don't worry Mu Dong, I'll call the police right away!"

Do you really think that their Mu Dong is too young to be bullied?

After a word fell, Dai Zongguang's expression suddenly changed, and he cried out inwardly.

How could he forget that now Mu Yue is not an orphan, but the Mu family with powerful strength standing behind him.

"Mu...Mu Dong!" Dai Zongguang stood up from that seat, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, "Mu Dong, I hope you will consider this matter again!"

"Consider? Need to consider? I'm already willing to pay you liquidated damages. Does Dai always feel that the liquidated damages are less?" Mu Yue looked at Dai Zongguang with a mocking sneer and questioned.

Dai Zongguang looked down at Mu Yue, who was standing in front of him, but he felt that he wanted to look up at her.

Although Mu Yue was young, Dai Zongguang felt that he was weak in front of him.

Now, the powerful aura exuding from Mu Yue's body made him wonder how to fight back.

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