Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1863: The small one is more powerful 3

Dai Zongguang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked Mu Yue fearfully, "Mu Dong, I didn't mean that. I think it must be my employees who accidentally made the wrong medicinal materials. I sent it to your company by mistake. As for your company’s losses, I will compensate you. As for the termination of the contract and the payment of liquidated damages, I would like to ask Mr. Mu to think more about it!"

He now compensates Mu Yue for his losses, and he is unwilling to investigate him by relevant departments.

Leaving aside, these things may indeed belong to their company, and because their company's factory does have defective products, it cannot withstand the inspection.

Mu Yue glanced at Dai Zongguang coldly, how could she not know his purpose?

"Mr. Dai, I think it's fine, I'd rather see you in court!" Mu Yue directly put Dai Zongguang's words from his left ear into his right ear.

When Dai Zongguang heard the words "court", his body was trembling, as if he had already seen the picture of himself in prison.

Mu Yue lowered his head, adjusted the cheap watch on his wrist, checked the time, and said, "The time is almost there. I still have a lot of things to be busy. After all, because of the medicinal materials, my company's production speed is only I can’t keep up, I have to find other Chinese herbal medicine companies!"

Dai Zongguang rushed to Mu Yue's body and prevented her from leaving, "Mu Dong, we have worked together for so long, and we have cooperated so well. The medicinal materials I gave you are definitely the best in our company. , This time is just a mistake. If you send me the medicinal materials sent to others to your company, this will happen. Give me another chance!"

Although very unwilling, Dai Zongguang only thought it was such a situation in his heart.

Where did Dai Zongguang still have the self-confidence and strength just now, he also did not expect that such a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl would be so difficult to communicate.

The corners of Mu Yue’s lips rose slightly, but what she said was so strong, “Misted someone else’s medicinal materials? It seems that Mr. Dai, your medicinal materials do have problems. I think our contract should not continue. As for this matter, I will also initiate judicial proceedings!"

Standing behind Mu Yue, Qiu Moge showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, and the eyes of Dai Zongguang were full of gloat and mockery.

This guy, I still don't know who he is offending!

The worst thing this guy should do is to dare to play with them, thinking that their money is so easy to make?

"Mu Dong..." Dai Zongguang wanted to speak, but was stopped by Qiu Moge, "Mr. Dai, Mu Dong has other things to do, so let's do it today!"

Mu Yue didn't look at Dai Zongguang, and walked out of the reception room, followed by Qiu Moge.

Qiu Moge followed Mu Yue's footsteps, glanced at the empty corridor, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Mu Dong, this guy was shocked a lot this time!"

"Hehehe, he has done too many wicked things before, so God will punish him now. Please handle this matter quickly. I believe that you can still find a lot of evidence now. !" Mu Yue said to Qiu Moge with a smile.

Qiu Moge nodded, with an excited smile on his face, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Mu Yue sighed helplessly. This is because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. It seems that she still has to find other merchants.

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