Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1864: Prisoner changing medicine 1

In the afternoon, Mu Yue, who was working on documents in the office while eating walnut meat that Xiao Junyan had peeled for herself, received an investigation report.

This investigation report is the subordinates that Mu Yue asked to investigate He Quan.

Sure enough, under this investigation, they really found out that there was indeed something wrong with the recent period, and the funds were also fluctuating.

Mu Yue looked at the information in front of him, and there was a photo on it, "Pi Mingjiang?"

Xiao Junyan also glanced at these materials, looked at Mu Yue, and said, "Do you want to catch it?"

Mu Yue thought for a while and nodded, "Well, let Ye Tianming catch it, alone, with the identity of a policeman!"

Originally, when I first received the problematic Chinese medicinal materials, I didn't think there was anything wrong with them.

However, after seeing He Quan and Dai Zongguang, she felt that this matter might not be that simple.

Their response alone means that it is impossible for her Chinese medicinal materials to be fake or of poor quality.

Because of her status, they can't make money at will, they can only do business obediently.

Therefore, she felt that this matter might not be that simple, and it might be that someone did something unseen against her.

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, took out his cell phone directly, dialed Ye Tianming's number, and asked him to grab Pi Mingjiang and bring him here.

Ye Tianming held up the phone in his hand, blinked his eyes, and curled his lips. The boss is so convincing!

Although very depressed, he could only obediently obey Xiao Junyan's orders, go to help Mu Yue arrest the Pi Mingjiang and send it over.

After Mu Yue was optimistic about the information, she began to look at the documents again.

Xiao Junyan stood behind Mu Yue, squeezing her shoulders with both hands, "rest and rest, don't get tired!"

Mu Yue raised her head and glanced at Xiao Junyan, with a happy smile on her face, "Isn't you going to give me a massage?"

"We still have to rest!" Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue with concern.

"I will!" Mu Yue nodded, but still looked down at the file while enjoying the massage of Commander Xiao.

Ye Tianming grabbed Pi Mingjiang and came to Mu Yue.

Pi Mingjiang was thrown to the ground by Ye Tianming, screaming in pain.

"Oh, boss, why did you let me catch this guy? Don't you know, I'm sleeping late at home!" Ye Tianming was very depressed, and then complained to Xiao Junyan.

Mu Yue looked at his watch, and really had to admire this guy's sleeping ability, and said helplessly, "It was a little too much when I called you just now. You don't have to sleep so late, right?"

Ye Tianming lay directly on the sofa and said of course, "It's a rare vacation, it's not too late last night, I haven't woke up yet!"

Mu Yue shook his head helplessly, stood up from behind the desk, and looked at Pi Mingjiang who had risen from the ground.

Pi Mingjiang's hands were folded behind his back, and it was a waste of effort to stand up. His eyes looked at Mu Yue with a slight guilty conscience.

He didn't expect that he was arrested by this policeman and sent to Mu Yue instead of to the police station.

Now, Lin Shi doesn't know Mu Yue, and there are probably not many people.

So when I saw Mu Yue at this moment, I recognized it.

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