Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1865: Prisoner changing medicine 2

Mu Yue walked to Pi Mingjiang and looked at him, her dark and clear eyes locked tightly on his face.

Pi Mingjiang was watched by Mu Yue, and his heart rate subconsciously accelerated. He stepped back a few steps, lowered his head, not daring to face Mu Yue.

Mu Yue watched for a while, and said lightly, "Recently I made a lot of fortune!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Pi Mingjiang made a chuckle in his heart.

Sometimes when two people talk, both sides know something they are saying, so they can understand what they are saying, and outsiders simply don't understand it.

But now, when Pi Mingjiang heard Mu Yue's words, only he knew best.

The medicinal materials for Longteng Group were all made by him alone. He naturally knew that he had indeed collected a lot of money. Moreover, he sold the good products that were exchanged. A lot of money.

The sum of the two aspects of the money is indeed a lot of money, and the life that allowed him to live during this period is also very good.

But he didn't expect that things were revealed so quickly.

However, although he knew that the matter was exposed, he would not admit it without evidence, and said stiffly, "I...I don't know what you are talking about!"

Ye Tianming sat up from the sofa, blinked at Mu Yue curiously, and asked, "Little Junior Sister, what happened?"

He has just arrived, and he still doesn't know what happened.

And Xiao Junyan called and asked him to arrest Pi Mingjiang and didn't say why, just one sentence and arrested people, so he didn't know how this guy got the little sister.

Mu Yue had a faint smile on her face, but what she said was very cold. "The quality of our company’s Chinese medicinal materials is good. However, this batch of products is either fake or bad. of!"

When Pi Mingjiang heard Mu Yue's words, his body trembled, and he knew that Mu Yue must have been investigated, so he was arrested.

When Ye Tianming heard what Mu Yue said, his face suddenly showed an angry look, "This **** did it?"

He didn't expect that this **** would dare to do such small tricks in his company, which is really damnable.

Although he only owns a small share, it is considered his company, and he is also a shareholder.

If the company really has something, he will also have a loss. Such things are not what he wants to see.

"Boy, you are so courageous!" Ye Tianming rolled up his sleeves and got up from the sofa, full of murderous intent and anger.

Suddenly, Pi Mingjiang was frightened by the aura exuding from Ye Tianming's body, and his body trembled again, subconsciously backing away.

"You... what are you doing! No... don't come over!" Pi Mingjiang stepped back, looking at Ye Tianming fearfully, and cried out.

Ye Tianming stared at Pi Mingjiang fiercely, and said to Mu Yue, "Little Junior Sister, just leave the interrogation to me. This guy is really courageous. He even dared to do tricks in Laozi's company. Impatient!"

Mu Yue looked at Ye Tianming's menacing appearance and held his forehead helplessly.

Xiao Junyan came over and comforted her, "It's okay, just leave it to him!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, reminding Ye Tianming, "Don't show any traces!"

"OK! Don't worry, Junior Sister, this is just a trifle!" Ye Tianming raised his eyebrows confidently.

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