Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1876: Brother Biao's Last Resistance 3

Mu Yue watched that Ye Tianming was about to beat that Biao brother to death, and quickly called to a halt, "Don't beat it yet, if you kill it, it's not good!"

Ye Tianming retracted his feet unwillingly, and spit out at Brother Biao who fell on the ground and wailed in pain.

If he had that **** character before, he would definitely take off his pants and pee at Brother Biao.

However, there is a girl named Mu Yue here, and she is also with his protective boss, how dare he!

If Mu Yue sees her little brother, without Mu Yue doing it herself, the boss will have to abolish him and become the **** of 21 New World.

Ye Tianming turned his head and asked Mu Yue, "What are you going to do?"

"Evidence of the crime is still needed, but let him come and drive this time!" Mu Yue sneered.

"Um!" Ye Tianming looked at Brother Biao who fell on the ground, almost inhaled and vented, and reminded him, "How do you let him open? One of his hands was useless, and the other was shown by the boss. , No fingers!"

Mu Yue looked down at Brother Biao's feet and laughed, "Then let him use his toes. If it is wrong, let him pay the price!"

"Toes!" Ye Tianming heard these two words, and three black lines fell on his forehead.

"I will treat his injury first, and let him open the safe obediently!" Mu Yue said with a slight smile.

Ye Tianming nodded and asked Mu Yue to wake up Brother Biao first, so that he could regain his consciousness a little bit.

Brother Biao was awakened by the pain in his hands and body, and slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Mu Yue and the others, his body suddenly trembled slightly, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the three people in front of him were so good and so perverted.

Only now did he know what kind of person he had provoked, and a deep regret rose from the bottom of his heart, and it was even more that Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong were full of strong hatred.

After waking up Brother Biao, Mu Yue stood up and said, "I'll leave it to you, let him open the safe!"

Ye Tianming smiled and took off Brother Biao's shoes first, but when he took off his shoes, there was a stinking smell that made Ye Tianming pinch his nose.

"My grass! How long has your **** not washed your feet? It's so smelly!" Ye Tianming couldn't help cursing, and kicked Brother Biao fiercely.

Brother Biao was kicked by Ye Tianming again, and there was another scream in his mouth. However, because his body had not recovered, his screaming sound was a little weak.

Ye Tianming picked up Brother Biao, leaned him on a chair, and ordered him, "Open the safe!"

Brother Biao looked at Ye Tianming fearfully, weakly explaining, " hand is broken! No more!"

Ye Tianming glared at Brother Biao fiercely, "Then use your feet, didn't you see that I took off all your socks? Hurry up!"

Brother Biao's body trembled again, and he nodded quickly, Ye Tianming's threatening eyes made him unable to resist words.

Ye Tianming watched Brother Biao use his toes to press the number of the safe, a playful and gloating smile appeared on his face.

Little Junior Sister’s idea is really great, why did he forget that he still has feet?

Brother Biao dared to do anything this time. Ye Tianming and the others were standing far away, watching him open the safe.

If he makes a mistake, then he is the one who died.

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