Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1877: Brother Biao's Last Resistance 4

Brother Biao opened the door of the safe with his toes, revealing the contents.

Ye Tianming came over, kicked Brother Biao directly, and squatted in front of the safe.

Brother Biao didn't expect this to kill the donkey to come so quickly, he just opened the safe and was kicked.

Ye Tianming smiled haha ​​and said to Mu Yue, "Boss, Junior Sister, there are not only criminal evidence, but also some gold bars and diamonds, and drugs, hehe, this guy is dead!"

Mu Yue hooked his finger at Ye Tianming, "Give me all the criminal evidence!"

Ye Tianming took out those ledgers and handed them to Mu Yue, while he was cleaning out the remaining safes.

Mu Yue opened some of the accounts and other criminal evidence in it. There was even a CD in it, which obviously should be surveillance video.

"There are not only Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong's, but also some other officials' criminal evidence!" Mu Yue sneered, "It's a worthwhile trip!"

Mu Yue obtained evidence of Gao Wenlong and Qi Rui's crimes in his possession from Brother Biao. Besides them, there were some other people, and these evidences were enough to send those people to prison.

"Boss, Junior Sister, how to deal with these things?" Ye Tianming asked Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan about the piles of things that had been sorted out.

Xiao Junyan turned to look at Mu Yue, as if waiting for her decision.

Mu Yue looked down at the evidence of the crime in his hand and said, "Wait a minute, I'll look at these materials first. Those materials can directly let him eat bullets!"

Ye Tianming nodded gently, and went around the villa, not knowing where he brought a TV.

Put those discs into it and play them, and see what's inside these discs.

Mu Yue checked the criminal evidence, and from time to time looked at the videos in Ye Tianming's hands.

Inside, I also saw the evil faces of Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong, and there were other people in it, as well as some evidence of drug trafficking.

Seeing these contents, Mu Yue's mouth smiled even wider. He sorted out the criminal evidence, and divided the criminal evidence belonging to Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong into another pile, and the rest was handed over to Ye Tianming.

"Leave these to you, and then you can use the contents of those safes to get your work!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming nodded, took two bags and installed them separately.

"Little Junior Sister, what are you doing with these? Why don't you just trouble Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong right now?" Ye Tianming asked Mu Yue incomprehensibly.

Mu Yue shook the information in his hand and blinked at Ye Tianming, "There must be some truthful evidence. I have to investigate the innocent people who died in the hands of Gao Wenlong that year. At that time, we will organize manpower again. , Help them in a lawsuit, and the things that come out are big!"

Ye Tianming understood in an instant, showing a treacherous smile, "Hey, sister, you are so evil and cunning. It is estimated that Gao Wenlong was slammed by bullets, and Qi Rui is inevitable! In this way, his old son Qi Changdong Will be implicated too!"

"It's the best to be able to drag him out of Lao Tzu!" Mu Yue's eyes were also considered a glimpse, "Even if he can't, he can still be allowed to leave here, and he will be transferred to a free seat for retirement! In this way, the Ganhua Family Isn't it good to lose another general?"

All she did was to give the Gan family and the Hua family a smashing power.

Ye Tianming gave Mu Yue a thumbs up and silently mourned for a moment. It is estimated that they still don't know that Mu Yue designed this!

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