Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1878: Set off for Sichuan Province 1

After handling the matter, Mu Yue and others left Brother Biao's villa, and several people got into Xiao Junyan's car.

Ye Tianming glanced at Brother Biao and Pi Mingjiang who were behind, and asked Mu Yue, "Little Junior Sister, how do you deal with these two guys?"

Mu Yue thought for a while, and said, "Let's lock them up first! Let them out when you are in trouble with Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong!"

"Okay!" Ye Tianming nodded, with an expectant smile on his face, "Then what about the pharmaceutical company that issued fake drugs to your company?"

Mu Yue's hand on his knees tapped his fingers lightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Then let them go to jail, let Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong mislead first!"

Ye Tianming nodded, and then asked Mu Yue curiously, "What are you planning to troubleshoot that Chinese herbal medicine company?"

"Tomorrow, deal with it as soon as possible!" Mu Yue turned to look at Ye Tianming, "You should also find more evidence from them, so that their charges can be fulfilled!"

Ye Tianming touched his chin and smiled, "Don't worry, I will do it well, and Qi Rui and the others will think that you didn't suspect them!"

This girl is really more and more able to play tricks. It is estimated that this is also related to her becoming Mu's family! Mu's family also taught her a lot about these.

After all, what she will face in the future is not ordinary businessmen, but probably some political families.

A little carelessness will be calculated by them and jump into the pit, then she will be dead.

"Well, very good!" Mu Yue nodded appreciatively, "The arrest of the boss of the Chinese herbal medicine company will leave it to you!"

Ye Tianming smiled confidently, "I'm doing errands, don't you worry about it?"

Mu Yue nodded gently, then glanced at Xiao Junyan and said, "You should also handle this matter as soon as possible. After a while, I want you to go out with me!"

"Go out?" Ye Tianming was stunned for a moment, looked at Mu Yue puzzledly, then at Xiao Junyan, "Isn't it supposed to let the boss accompany you?"

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "Brother Xiao has to deal with the military area affairs, so he can't accompany me, so I'm looking for you. Anyway, you also depend on your own mood in the police station!"

When Ye Tianming heard Mu Yue's words, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said very depressed, "Who said that, I'm working hard, OK?"

Mu Yue didn't believe it at all, and rolled her eyes anger. With this guy's rogue character, he would never take a serious job as a police officer.

"Let me ask you, are you going or not?" Mu Yue didn't say anything else, but asked Ye Tianming.

Xiao Junyan turned his head slightly and cast a threatening look at Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming suddenly shuddered. He originally wanted to refuse, but he had to obediently agree, "Well, as long as it's the little sister's business, it's my business, why would I not want to go!"

Mu Yue nodded, "It's the company's business. Since you own the shares, you must do your best! You can't do nothing, just take the shares!"

"Hey! I have invested!" Ye Tianming said with a triumphant smile.

Mu Yue snorted coldly, and deliberately threatened to say, "If you don't do anything, I will give you your money and then withdraw your shares!"

"Don't! Little Junior Sister!" Ye Tianming waved his hand quickly, "I didn't say not to do anything! As long as it is your order, I will definitely do it!"

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