Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1879: Set off for Sichuan Province 2

Ye Tianming was absolutely resolute and resolute in doing things, and he quickly arrested him.

The sale of counterfeit medicines also swept the entire forest city like a tornado, and even tended to spread to the surrounding area.

When Qi Rui and Gao Wenlong saw the news, they jumped with anger.

"Damn, useless bastard! After spending so much money and wasting so much energy, it was useless at all!" Qi Rui angrily kicked the coffee table in front of him, shocking it. All things overturned and fell to the ground.

Gao Wenlong put the wine glass in his hand heavily on the coffee table, his eyes gleaming with coldness, "How could this **** find out so early, if it's a little bit later, it will make our plans in vain." !"

He didn't expect that Mu Yue was so fast that he discovered that there was a problem in those medicinal materials so quickly, and also arrested the boss of that company.

"I can only say that this little **** is lucky this time!" Qi Rui said viciously, gritted his teeth.

Gao Wenlong snorted coldly, and rejoiced, "Fortunately, we didn't come forward. Using this method, the Chinese herbal medicine company was in the dark!"

In fact, it is difficult to find out about this matter, and it is also difficult to think that it is their hands and feet. You will only think that the company's own behavior is bad.

No, now Mu Yue still thinks that this company has sold fake medicines and bad medicinal materials to them? Reporting that company became their scapegoat.

Qi Rui turned his head and asked Gao Wenlong, "Are you sure that this matter will not involve us?"

Gao Wenlong sneered and said confidently, "I haven't done this once or twice! Don't you believe me?"

"But this time, the **** Mu Yue was the first to discover the problem with the medicine. It was completely different from those things before. The tricks we used to do were for them to cut corners on their backs and kill others!" Qi Rui asked Gao Wenlong worriedly again.

Gao Wenlong patted Qi Rui's shoulder comfortingly, "Didn't you see this news? Once convicted, this company is indeed restless and unclean. It was also found that they did have such criminal evidence. , What are we worried about? The **** of Mu Yue couldn't suspect us at all, he just thought it was the problem of the Chinese herbal medicine company!"

Hearing Gao Wenlong's explanation and comfort, Qi Rui thought for a while, it was indeed true.

Moreover, it is true that the evidence in the news is now conclusive, and the boss has already confessed that for the Chinese medicinal materials sent by Mu Yue and his company, it is possible that this happened because of the wrong batch of shipments.

No one would think of this, it was someone else deliberately replacing those Chinese medicinal materials, and it was someone else's calculation.

Qi Rui sighed, "It's the best way. Right now, we can't use this method to find the **** to get revenge. I think she will review the medicinal materials more recently, and won't let us take advantage of it. Opportunity!"

Gao Wenlong nodded in agreement, "Indeed, let's think of another way. After the situation is assessed, we will find the slut's trouble. Let's think again, is there any other way!"

Qi Rui also agreed with Gao Wenlong's suggestion, and stopped thinking about Mu Yue for the time being.

What they didn't know was that they were about to face disaster.

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