Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1886: Arriving in the mountains 1

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming didn't think about the couple's affairs anymore, just as a small incident happened while passing by.

But I didn't expect that they would have the opportunity to meet again.

In the next few days, Ye Tianming took Mu Yue and Qiu Moge to and fro around Sichuan Province, looking at the area around which was more suitable for planting Chinese medicinal materials.

Moreover, because of the unique environment of the Sichuan Basin, some medicinal material merchants have built Chinese medicinal material planting bases here.

Some of the places Mu Yue looked okay had already been spotted by the other medicinal material vendors. If they missed the opportunity, Mu Yue could only go to other places.

After turning around for a few days, I came to a mountain field. Because of the potholes on the ground, the off-road vehicle was swaying, causing Mu Yue and Qiu Moge who were sitting in the car to sway with the car.

Because it was in the mountainous area, Mu Yue and the others had already gotten used to the bad roads in the past few days.

Mu Yue felt that if the place she chose was also such a bumpy road, she would have to repair the road, otherwise she would feel unsafe to send the medicinal materials.

"Hey, this road is driving me too big!" Ye Tianming sighed helplessly as he drove.

Qiu Moge said helplessly, "No way, this is in the mountains, and mountain roads are already difficult to open!"

"Well, look ahead. After our investigation, there is no Chinese medicinal planting base in this area. It should be suitable for us!" Mu Yue nodded and said to Ye Tianming.

Because I didn't know the places I had visited before, I didn't know that those places already had a master. After understanding these circumstances, Mu Yue looked for places where he hadn't appointed a master, and this was one of them.

Ye Tianming drove for a while, looked around, and said to Mu Yue, "Little Junior Sister, there is no road ahead. The road is too small to pass. Should we come down and walk over?"

Mu Yue nodded, and opened the car door first, "Okay, let's go here!"

The three of them pulled off and stepped on the sticky yellow and black mud apprentices. Because of the rain in the previous two days, the ground was wet and there were many puddles.

"There's a village ahead!" Ye Tianming came down, turned around and said, pointing to a place in front of a house.

Mu Yue came over, "Go to the village and ask!"

"There is still some way to go! I'm dead!" Qiu Moge looked at the distance, his face full of grief.

He can be regarded as having realized what mountain roads are, and roads are difficult to walk. The roads in Sichuan Province are not only difficult to drive, but also difficult to walk.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming glanced at Qiu Moge and laughed, "Let's bear it!"

Qiu Moge sighed and said regretfully, "Oh, what else can be done, oh, I'm so sorry to follow along!"

He does not have the skill of Ye Tianming and Mu Yue. He only took a few steps. The shoes on his feet are all dirt, but the shoes of Ye Tianming and Mu Yue didn’t touch much dirt. This is the difference. .

After encountering this kind of thing on the first day, the first thing he did when he went back was to buy a pair of rain boots, which was easy to clean up when he went back.

Now he is also wearing the rain boots he just bought. The shoes are surrounded by mud, and he is depressed in his heart.

Mu Yue patted Qiu Moge on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, "It will be over soon!"

"Hope!" Qiu Moge could only show a smile that was uglier than crying, and nodded.

The three of them walked towards the mountain village at the foot of the distant mountain.

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