Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1887: Arriving in the mountains 2

When Mu Yue and the three were about to walk into the village, they saw an old man on a big rock outside the village, holding an old pipe, smoking a cigarette.

The old man squinted his eyes and watched Mu Yue and they walked towards him, "Who are you?"

Mu Yue and the three people walked to the elderly and said in a friendly manner, "Old man, we are the staff of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company. We want to establish a planting base for Chinese medicinal materials. We plan to take a look at the surrounding environment and soil. Claim!"

When the old man heard Mu Yue's words, he was a little surprised and curious, "You come to our village? Ours is a mountainous area!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "It is precisely because it is a mountainous area that we chose this place. What Chinese medicinal materials need is a natural environment for growth. The closer they are to the environment they need, the better the growth of medicinal materials. In this way, their The quality will also be better, so that the people can eat the best medicinal materials!"

Listening to Mu Yue's words, the old man seemed very satisfied, and nodded, "Oh, this way, I don't know if we are suitable for growing Chinese medicinal materials here!"

Mu Yue smiled and glanced at the field they had walked over before, and said, "This place is very suitable for the medicinal plants that I need. If possible, I hope to meet the village chief of your village, discuss it, and buy yours. The hills and fields, the people in your village can continue to live here in the future, and they can also help me plant them, and I will also pay you!"

The old man listened to Mu Yue's series of conditions, and the light in his old eyes became brighter and brighter, "Can you still pay us?"

"Yes! If this thing is successful, I will help you build a better road here and the outside world!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile.

The old man nodded, smoked the old cigarette in his hand, sighed, and said, "If it were two years ago, if you came, I can directly call the shots. Now you come, ah!"

Such good news made the old man extremely happy and expectant. However, thinking of the situation in his village, he could only feel sad.

Listening to what the old man said, Mu Yue and Ye Tianming were a little puzzled, "Old man, what do you mean? Why don't I understand?"

She wants to buy land. What does this have to do with this old man?

The old man sighed, knocked on the old smoker in his hand, and explained, "I was the village head of this village two years ago, but two years ago, when we re-selected the village head in our village, one did not learn. The useless brat intimidated us to let us choose him as the head of our village. Alas... I guess it will be very difficult for you to talk to him about this matter!"

"Oh?" Mu Yue heard it, but he didn't expect that the old man in front of him was the former head of the village. "Old man, can you tell me about this. Since this is the case, why don't you call the police?"

The old man’s old face is helpless, "Who would let him have a good uncle? His uncle is a high-ranking official in our county, so he relied on his uncle to run wild in our village! What is the use of calling the police? I can bear it silently!"

Obviously, this is another one who relied on the power of his elders to show off his strength in his own village.

Now, Mu Yue also felt that it would be very difficult for him to get the land here.

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