Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1888: Arriving in the mountains 3

Mu Yue frowned and said to the village head, "Old man, you take us to see your current village head first!"

Ye Tianming also nodded, "I should know this guy who got the village chief's seat illegally! What does it look like!"

Hearing what the bastard's current village chief did, Ye Tianming was also extremely angry.

The old village chief nodded and said helplessly, "You go first, but you must prepare yourself to be killed by him. The Xiao Guo family sold his mountain top to him in order to treat his wife a few days ago. , They only cost one or two hundred yuan, but I think it will be very expensive to sell you!"

"I see!" Mu Yue nodded and asked the old village chief curiously, "Old man, can you tell me about that guy?"

If you don't know the other person, you can't make a way to deal with him.

Such a scourge is here, even if she wants to put her planting base of Chinese medicinal materials here, it is estimated that she will have a lot of trouble.

The old village chief nodded, "That guy, he's just a jerk. When he was a child, he didn't learn or know how to make trouble everywhere. His father was also **** to death by him. Originally, he was just because he was beaten outside. The police were arrested and kept in jail for a few years. After he got out of the jail, he was a little honest for a while, but soon when his uncle became a high-ranking county official, he began to become arrogant again. At that time, we began to threaten us and let him be the head of the village!"

Mu Yue nodded softly, "So it is!"

"Oh, it's **** that such a guy can still be the head of the village!" Qiu Moge had an angry look in his eyes.

"No way, we are just common people, nothing is good!" The old village chief sighed helplessly, and walked forward, pointing to one of the best houses in the village compared to other houses in the village. , Said, "That's the one!"

Mu Yue nodded, and followed the old village head to the outside of the house. The old village head knocked gently on the door.

However, after several knocks, there was no sound inside.

Qiu Moge tilted his head and looked at it, and asked puzzledly, "Is that guy not there?"

The old village chief shook his head, "I've been smoking outside and haven't seen him go out. I will knock on the door again!"

After that, he knocked on the door again, and after a few knocks, there was an angry and impatient voice inside.

"Which **** knocked on the door and made me sleep!"

Hearing this voice, the old village chief turned his head to look at Mu Yue, "Here!"

Ye Tianming snorted coldly, and said mockingly, "It's just that this has a bad temper. It seems that he is not a good negotiator!"

He knew from the yelling words, this guy is definitely a hob, not so easy to solve.

Mu Yue snorted coldly, "No matter how arrogant, I have to let him get down when I meet me!"

"Hey, that's right, as long as Junior Sister you go out, nothing is impossible to solve!" Ye Tianming smiled and nodded in agreement, flattering Mu Yue, but we have to follow the normal procedures! "

Mu Yue glanced at Ye Tianming and understood what he meant.

Regardless of whether she was admitted home by the Mu family or not, she had to think about everything she did, and she had to let them go to prison obediently.


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