Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1898: Still hit the ground 2

When Zhu Shi saw that Mu Yue and Ye Tianming had to deal with so many of them, he suddenly laughed arrogantly.

"Hahaha... relying on you two?" Zhu Shi laughed so furiously.

Mu Yue sneered, "Yes, just rely on us!"

Zhu Shi looked at Mu Yue's eyes, filled with lustful light, "Little girl, as long as you be Lao Tzu's woman obediently, Lao Tzu can let them let you go!"

"Noisy!" Mu Yue yelled coldly and stopped talking. She appeared in front of Zhu Shi with a flash, raised his hand and slapped Zhu Shi's face fiercely.

A burst of clear and loud applause echoed over the village chief's yard.

And Zhu Shi's laughter, who was originally arrogant and smugly laughing, stopped abruptly, and his body also flew out, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Everyone stared in shock, looking at the scene in front of them, with a look of disbelief.

A slap will slap a person away!

So sturdy!

Whether it was the people in this village or the little **** brought by Zhu Shi, they stared at their own eyes and their mouths were long bosses, almost all of them could fit an egg.

Mu Yue sneered looking at Zhu Shi who had been beaten out by herself.

Zhu Shi covered his mouth, and vomited a mouthful of blood, which was also mixed with a white tooth.

"Ah...tooth...tooth, my tooth..."

"Puff!" Seeing Zhu Shi's embarrassed appearance, Mu Yue and Ye Tianming couldn't help laughing.

Zhu Shi covered his mouth, turned his head and stared at Mu Yue fiercely and angrily. Now he looked at Mu Yue's eyes, they were all different, full of thick hatred.

"Hit! Kill this **** to me!" Zhu Shi pointed at Mu Yue and shouted angrily.

The little **** who were originally shocked by Mu Yue's actions all recovered, and after a wild roar, they attacked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue's figure turned, her hands were also interlaced, and she rushed into the crowd of small gangsters who rushed towards him and waved the machete in his hand.

Ye Tianming opened his hands and let out a roar of excitement, "parttime!"

When the voice fell, Ye Tianming clenched his fists with both hands, and he also fisted at the little **** who rushed towards him, punching them one by one, and all of them were directly blown out.

Even if these little gangsters have knives in their hands, they can't do anything to them.

For Ye Tianming, dealing with his own enemies is a kind of killing, and these little gangsters are just playing and having fun.

The people in the village stood on the edge of the old village chief’s courtyard, staring at Mu Yue and Ye Tianming, a woman and a man, directly and easily responding to dozens of people in front of them.

As long as the gangsters close to Mu Yue and Ye Tianming were beaten one by one, one by one on each hand and one on the other.

Two people, in just two or three minutes, directly knocked down dozens of punks brought by Zhu Shi to the ground one by one.

Qiu Moge could only make a fist and wave his hand. He only felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and he exclaimed in excitement, "Good fight!"

With Qiu Moge's yelling, many young people in the village were also brought back to God, and they couldn't help yelling out to encourage Mu Yue and applaud her.

"Good fight!"

"it is good!"

"Kill them!"

Since they are in the same village as Zhu Shi, they naturally know the character of these punks and the things they did before.

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